  • 學位論文


The Study on combining Annuity Insurance with Retirement Financial Plans

指導教授 : 張志雄


一、研究之主要研究目的 隨著經濟的成長與醫療保健技術越來越進步,而人類的平均壽命逐年的不斷地延長,然而台灣正面臨生育人口逐漸地減少,為了在個人退休後仍能擁有充足的經濟財源並保障個人的基本生活需求,不讓自己成為子女的經濟負擔,而退休財務規劃已成為日趨重要的課題。 金保險便是為了確保老年後的經濟生活穩定而規劃出的一種保險契約,因此許多公家機關或是政府以及個人對於年老後透過年金保險的投 資、規劃來確保日後的生活品質及經濟。 為了不讓自己成為子女的經濟負擔,如何以年金保險作退休規劃,是近年來的趨勢,並更進一步的分析如何利用年金保險來確保老年後的經濟。 二、主要的研究發現 國人購買年金商品的比率日趨增加,每年比率都是正成長中,但是仍然有大部分的民眾,在理財規劃及退休規劃這方面並未詳細為自己打算及計畫,而總是跟著政府的腳步前進中,而這也使大部分的民眾對於年金商品可用來加強自行生涯中的理財規劃及退休規劃這方面都未去深刻瞭解及熟悉。 而以前所謂的養兒防老的舊有觀念,在現實社會中已不敷使用了,逐漸腐蝕社會的少子化現象便是如此,因少子化而導致現今在社會上,1個孩子即將要養起8個老人,而在經濟如此不堪的全球環境當中,孩子們能養活自己便是能力非常足夠了,更何況在將來社會中養起8個老人,因此本研究的發現就是在各種制度上來去琢磨一番。 三、政策與建議 在這次的研究當中,根據研究成果政府如何改進勞工退休後的生活,便是從勞工退休金中去做一個改革的建議,而現今勞工退休金制度當中,到底還有什麼值得改進的地方,有何者又是我們值得保留及借鏡,而這些勞工群們所支撐的企業者們,又可以從哪方面來給予建議及期待? 在從事保險業務的人員們,其實在實質上他們所販賣的並不是一項商品,而是一種觀念,一種可以讓客戶瞭解到自己所需要的保障觀念,就如同肚子餓了,你會想去找東西吃,而你在受傷了,無法工作了,會想要尋求一個可以替代你現正無法工作而導致經濟來源喪失的替代經濟來源,因此身為第一線的觀念推廣人員們,應該如何建議保戶們對於理財規畫如何謹慎看待及為自己打算將來的理財方向,來進行一個建議。




With economic growth and increasing health care technology advances, while the average human life expectancy continues to lengthen year, however, Taiwan is facing a gradual reduction in fertility of the population, in order to still have individual retirement after sufficient economic and financial resources to protect personal the basic needs of life, allow yourself to become an economic burden on their children, and retirement financial planning has become an increasingly important issue. Annuity is to ensure a stable economic life of the elderly after a planned insurance contract, many public agencies or governments, and individual annuity insurance for the elderly through the investment plan to ensure the future quality of life and the economy. In order not to become an economic burden on their children, how annuities for retirement planning, is the trend in recent years, and further analysis of how to ensure that the economic annuity after the elderly. The ratio of people to buy the increasing annuity, annual growth rate is positive, but still a majority of people, not a detailed plan for themselves and plan financial planning and retirement planning in this regard, but always follow the government's footsteps in, which also make the most of people for annuity products available to enhance their own career in financial planning and retirement planning in this regard neither go deep understanding and familiarity. Previously called raising children for old age old concept in the real world has enough for use, and the gradual erosion of social phenomenon is the case of the low birth rate, as a result of the low birth rate in the community today, a child about to be raised from 8 elderly, and in such a miserable state of the global econom ic environment, children can feed themselves is very sufficient capacity, not to mention support from eight elderly in the future society, this study found that come in a variety of institutional pondering some. In this study which, according to research how to improve the lives of government workers after retirement, is to do a proposal from the labor pension reform, whereas today's labor pension system which, in the end there is nothing to improve the place, there whichever is worth preserving and we learn, and companies who are these workers who supported the group, but also in every respect to give advice and expect? Personnel were engaged in the insurance business, in fact, they are in essence trafficking is not a commodity, but an idea, a way to let customers know they need to protect ideas, just as hungry, you'll want to go find something to eat while you are injured and can not work, would you want to look for an alternative to being unable to work an alternative source of income resulting from the loss of financial resources, so as to promote the concept of first-line officers who, how for policyholders who suggested how cautious about the financial plan and financial plan for themselves in the future direction for a proposal




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