  • 學位論文


A Study of Purchasing Willingness of Used Car

指導教授 : 賴慶松 翁慧卿


二手車市場在國內擁有廣大的消費族群,但如何挑選一台好車,跟挑選好的車商是本研究所要深入探討的議題。一直以來車商的態度決定客戶購買意願的高低,與車輛的成交與否。透過問卷資料可了解,客戶的屬性導向,購車所考量的立基點;車商賣車時對車況的透明化、公開化是否有做到不矇騙消費者,並與廣告相符童叟無欺。 本研究採用量化研究方法,資料分析方面使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、因數分析等統計方法與變項進行分析,資料來源為高屏地區SUM優質車商連盟與高屏地區匯豐汽車股份有限公司營業據點,問卷調查期間由104年2月25日至104年3月7日止共回收有效問卷200份。 藉由回收問卷資料,更深入了解二手車供需市場與影響消費者對二手車購買的意願和需求,並藉此對車商提供建言,期盼車商能在目前的經營環境中,提供更優質的車輛與健全的服務讓消費者享有超質感受;消費者也能透過不同平台,找尋到合乎自己要望的愛車。


Used car market has owned the masses of the consumer groups in Taiwan. In this research we are going to study the subject of the Taiwan's consumer how they pick a good used car and how to find a good car dealers. The attitude of the car dealers will influence the customer to make the decision to buy the car or walk away from the car dealers. Through the questionnaire data and information provided that can understand the customer crucial point such as the car dealers offer the real and detail information about the car ,and all the details are the same as advertisement then they make the decision of buying the car. This research is base on the questionnaire survey , the date analysis is base on (Descriptive Analysis ,Independent sample t test,One-way ANOVA,Factor Analysis) all the data are collect from Kaohsiung and Pingtung 's SUM qualified franchise car dealers and Mitsubishi motor car dealers . The date of the questionnaire all collect from Feb -25-104 to Mar-7-104. By recycling questionnaire data, a better understanding of the wishes and needs of the used car market and the impact of supply and demand on the used car buying consumers, and to provide recommendations for car dealers, car dealers can look forward to in the current business environment, provide better quality vehicles and improve the service quality for consumers to enjoy the ultra-experience; consumers can through different platforms, they have to look to find the desirable car.


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