  • 學位論文


A Study of the Need of Professional Development and Knowledge Sharing of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Ping-tung

指導教授 : 羅希哲


論文摘要: 本研究之目的旨在探討屏東縣國中數學科教師專業發展與知識分享之需求研究,並以普測方式調查屏東縣國中數學科教師,透過「教師專業發展與知識分享之需求量表」,共回收275份有效問卷(回收率87%),本研究獲得之研究結果如下: 一、國中數學科教師專業發展之需求 (一)教育專業知能:班級經營是需要進一步學習的課程。 (二)數學專業知能:學生迷思概念研究是需要進一步學習的課程。 (三)數學教學知能:啟發式教學法是需要進一步學習的課程。 (四)終身學習:人際溝通管理是需要進一步學習的課程。 (五)進修管道:學位進修與網路學習社群(如:k12)是進修途徑。 (六)參與活動方式:演講或專題演講。 (七)授課或指導人員:有實務專長之外校教師是最佳人選。 (八)研習時段:領域研究時間或網路學習(隨時可上網)是最恰當。 (九)研習時數:18小時以下或19-36小時是最適合。 二、國中數學科教師知識分享之需求 (一)知識分享內涵:教師透過領域研究時間之管道,作班級管理撇步的經驗交流。 (二)知識分享機制 1.電子資訊網:透過議題討論區之方式,作教師彼此的分享途徑。 2.數學資訊網:昌爸工作坊是教師透過網路而獲取數學知識分享的 重要網站來源。 最後,本研究針對上述結論,分別對於主管教育機構及數學領域輔導團與學校提出相關建議。 關鍵字:國中數學教師、教師專業發展需求、知識分享需求


Abstract Student ID: M9670001 Title of Thesis: A Study of the Need of Professional Development and Knowledge Sharing of Junior High School Mathematics Teachers in Ping-tung Total page: 169 Graduate Institute: Institute of Vocational and Technological Education, National Pingtung Universuty of Science and Technonlgy Date of Graduate: June, 2009 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Hui-Chiung Lee Advisor: Dr. Shi-Jer Lou Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore of the Need of professional development and knowledge sharing of junior high school mathematics teachers in Ping-tung. Surveys were sent to all the mathematics teachers in Ping-tung and the response rate for this study was 87%. The results in the professional development need aspect indicated that: (1) Professional competencies aspect: class management is indeed improved for most mathematics teachers. (2) Mathematics professional ompetencies aspect: the study in misconceptions of students is important. (3) Teaching competency aspect: developmental method is a further study. (4) Human communication models is important in life-learning of most mathematics teachers. (5) Continuing education and Network learning community is important for all mathematics teachers. (6) Lecture is a likely way for mathematics teachers. (7) The teachers of practical experience are useful for mathematics teachers in professional development. (8) Network learning is a proper way for teacher in-service education. (9) Under 18 hours or between 19-36 hours is accepted for mathematics teachers. The results in the sharing knowledge need aspect indicated that: (1) Most mathematics teachers get more by sharing the tips of class management. (2) Network learning is important for sharing knowledge. (3) Chang Pa Workshop is an important website in the sharing knowledge aspect for most mathematics teachers. Based on the results of the study, the researcher will put forth several recommendations in view of the three respective areas as the educational administration authorities, school and teacher, and future studies. Keywords: mathematics Teachers of Junior high School, professional Development Need, sharing Knowledge Need.




