  • 學位論文


Migration Patterns of Brown Shrike

指導教授 : 孫元勳


本研究分析2005年9~12月屏東科技大學紅尾伯勞的羽毛穩定氫同位素比值(δD),以探討紅尾伯勞的時空遷移模式,並觀察渡冬鳥於隔年3~5月離開校園的時間與隔年秋季返回的時間及返回率。研究發現,繫放的70隻紅尾伯勞,有24.3%的個體之尾羽仍在換羽。渡冬鳥(n=31)隔年秋季返回率為54.8%,過境鳥(n=16)的返回率為31.3%。由確定在繁殖地換完羽才遷移的個體(n=31)的羽毛δD值顯示,過境校園的紅尾伯勞,其羽毛δD值均值明顯低於渡冬鳥,換言之,與渡冬鳥相較之下,過境鳥來自較北邊的繁殖地,所以遷移距離較長,且越過本校往更南邊渡冬,因此推測紅尾伯勞是以蛙跳遷移模式進行秋季遷移。此外,過境鳥的羽毛δD值與過境日期有顯著的正相關(r2=0.33, p=0.013),顯示愈北邊繁殖的過境鳥在秋季有愈早過境本校的現象。


This study analyzed stable hydrogen isotope ratios(δD)of the tail feathers of migratory Brown Shrikes (Lanius cristatus) to determine their spatiotemporal migration patterns on the campus of Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan from September to December 2005. In addition, we recorded the arrival date that year, leaving date in the following spring, and return date in the next fall, along with the return ratio of the leg-banded individuals. Among 70 captured and banded birds, 24.3% had the tail feathers still in molting. Of 31 wintering and 16 staging shrikes, 54.8% and 31.3% were found returning to the campus in the following year, respectively. For those that completed their molting on the breeding ground, the mean δD value of staging birds was significant lower than was wintering birds. This implies the Brown Shrike conducts a so-called leap-frog migration; namely, individuals from the further northern breeding ground migrate to the further south with the longest distance. Among those staging individuals, we also discovered that a significant positive relationship existed between arrive date and δD (r2=0.33, p=0.013). This showed that those living further north arrived on campus earlier.


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