  • 學位論文


The Effect of Resistance Training with different intervals on Anaerobic Capacity & Muscular Fitness

指導教授 : 曹德弘


本研究目的:比較1日1次與1日分成3次練習的阻力訓練,受試者在最大力量、肌耐力、無氧能力、等長肌力及睪固酮反應等相關表現,與訓練前、後有無顯著性差異。20位從未接受過阻力訓練的大專男性學生(年齡21-23歲),分成1日1次練習與1日3次練習組兩組,每組各10位受試者,進行為期12週,每週3次的阻力訓練 。每位受試者在訓練前、後,分別接受胸推、二頭肌彎舉及肩上推舉1-RM及肌耐力測試、溫蓋特執行最大功率、最小功率、平均功率及疲勞率之無氧能力測驗,以握力計、肩力計及背肌力計測量等長肌力,並蒐集兩組受試者之血液樣本分析睪固酮濃度,以獨立樣本t考驗進行統計分析所得資料。結果:1-RM測試,1日1次練習組與1日3次練習組,在胸推、二頭肌及三頭肌的表現上,兩組間無顯著差異(p>.05)。肌耐力測試方面,1日1次練習組與1日3次練習組,在胸推、二頭肌及三頭肌的表現上,兩組間無顯著差異(p>.05)。溫蓋特測試,1日1次練習組與1日3次練習組,在最大功率、最小功率、平均功率及疲勞率的表現上,兩組間無顯著差異(p>.05)。等長肌力測試方面,1日1次練習組與1日3次練習組,在左、右手腕力、背部肌力及肩部肌力表現上,兩組間無顯著差異(p>.05)。睪固酮測試方面,1日1次練習組與1日3次練習組,在訓練後兩組反應無顯著性差異(p>.05)。結論:安排肌力訓練運動計畫時,可考量將一天一次的總訓練量改變成一天三次的方式。這兩種不同阻力訓練的方式,具有相同的效益。


The purpose of this study was to compare if there were any significant differences in one repetition maximum (1-RM), muscular endurance, anaerobic capacity, isometric strength and testosterone between once in one day (OOD) and thrice in one day (TOD) of resistance training for 12 weeks (three times/per week). Methods: Twenty college male students (21-23 years old), no resistance training experience, were arranged for two groups, OOD (n=10) and TOD (n=10), respectively, on the basis of no significant differences in weight and muscular fitness. All subjects’ 1-RM and muscular endurance of bench press, biceps curl and shoulder push, peak power, mean power, minimal power and fatigue in Wingate test and isomertic strength, grip strength, shoulder strength and back strength, were measured. In addition, all subjects’ blood was collected and analyzed for testosterone concentrations. The aforementioned measurements were conducted between before and after a 12-week resistance training. All the data were collected and analyzed with independent-samples t-test. Results: Although most of the aforementioned measurements showed significant differences in each group when compared with pre-intervention, there were no significant differences between two different regimens after 12 weeks intervention. Conclusion: When you arrange your resistance training program, you can consider that a total of exercise volume in one day can be changed to trice in one day because both of them have similar benefits in muscular performances.


