  • 學位論文


Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in cats and the development of diagnostic reagents

指導教授 : 劉世賢


弓蟲(Toxoplasma gondii)分布於世界各地,可感染大部分溫血動物,其中貓科動物為終末宿主。臺灣屬於高溫潮濕的地區,適合弓蟲生長,加上流浪貓數量日漸增多,國內民眾飼養貓隻做為寵物的風氣盛行等因素,卻缺乏對弓蟲病防疫觀念及臨床上檢測技術,極易造成弓蟲症的流行及傳播,對於飼主或獸醫師的健康有莫大隱憂。本研究為調查貓弓蟲症感染情形,蒐集彰化縣公立動物收容所流浪貓以及該地區動物醫院家貓血清,以latex agglutination kit(Toxotest-MT)檢測弓蟲症血清抗體陽性率,目前收集貓血清樣本數量為328頭,弓蟲抗體陽性率為12.50%;其中家貓82頭,弓蟲抗體陽性率為8.53%;流浪貓246頭,弓蟲抗體陽性率為13.82%。年齡部分;流浪貓1歲以上抗體陽性佔陽性樣本中的44.11%、6月齡至1歲為29.41%、6月齡以下為26.47%,家貓一歲以上抗體陽性佔陽性樣本中的57.14%、6月齡至1歲為14.28%、6月齡以下為28.57%;性別方面,流浪貓陽性樣本中公貓佔47.05%,母貓為52.94%;家貓陽性樣本中公貓佔28.57%,母貓為71.42%。此外,本研究自行合成Latex診斷試劑套組,提高檢測的敏感性及特異性,在流浪貓部分抗體陽性率為15.85%;家貓抗體陽性率則為13.10%,與市售商品化套組比較則有較高的檢出率,兩套組間相關係數為0.9506,擬做為日後發展快速診斷試劑套組的參考。


Toxoplasma gondii, the pathogen capable to infect most warm-blooded animals, had been detected positive all over the world. Among infected warm-blooded animals, felines are identified as the final hosts. Toxoplasma gondii proliferates well in warm and high humidity environment which is similar as the climate characteristic in Taiwan. Owing to increased population of stray cats which taken as pet animal but deficient the concept of epidemic prevention of Toxoplasma gondii, the spread of Toxoplasma gondii was taken as serious epidemic issue in Taiwan. The research was aimed to investigate the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cats. Feline serum samples were collected from Changhua county animal shelter and regional animal hospitals, which then examined by using latex agglutination kit (Toxotest-MT). Totally 328 serum samples were collected, the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii was 12.50%. The prevalence rate of indoor cat was 8.53% (82/328) and stray cats was 13.82% (246/328). In the respect of age, the prevalence rate of stray cat versus indoor cat age over than one year old, between 6 month to one year old, lower than 6 month was 44.11% vs 57.14%, 29.41% vs 14.28%, and 26.47% vs 28.57%, respectively. In the respect of sex, the prevalence rate of female cats (52.94% in stray cats, 71.42% in indoor cats) was higher than male ones, no matter stray or indoor cats. Furthermore, the latex agglutination kit was modified to increase the sensitivity and specificity in the research. Compare to the result examined by Toxotest-MT, the prevalence rate of Toxoplasma gondii were both higher in stray cats (15.85% by modified kit vs 13.82% by Toxotest-MT) and indoor cats (13.10% by modified kit vs 8.53% by Toxotest-MT). The correlation coefficient was 0.9506 between commercial and modified kit. The modified kit was provided for the consideration of developing the fast diagnosis reagent in the future.


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