  • 期刊


The Influence of Capital Regulation Announcement on the Effects of Wealth and Risk in Taiwan's Banking Firms


銀行的自有資本水準一直是主管當局監督銀行經營的重要指標。國際清算銀行於1988年規定銀行若欲從事國際性業務,其風險性自有資本比不得低於百分之八的下限。而我國在金融國際化政策下,於1989年修正的銀行法第44條,亦參酌國際清算銀行的標準,明文規定銀行的風險性自有資本比不得低於8%。有關實施細則,則由財政部於 1992年公佈『銀行自有資本與風險性資產之範圍、計算方法及未達標準之限制盈餘分配辦法』加以規範。 本研究主要係針對三件政府對銀行風險性自有資本比規定之事件加以研究,探討事件之宣告,對銀行股東財富及風險效果之影響 ·。文中選取本國銀行自1988年7月11日前的160天至1992年4月16日後的160天為研究期問,以市場模式為估計,利用似乎不相關迴歸,以銀行每日股票收盤價,計算異常報酬和累積異常報酬,探討政府對銀行資本管制事件,對股東財富之影響;另外,亦比較事件前後股票報酬的變異,以瞭解資本管制事件對銀行信用風險之影響。 研究發現,事件一對本國銀行的股東財富有負向影響,但僅反應在事件發生後幾天,信用風險則無顯著差異。事件二對股東財富有顯著負影響,信用風險則無顯著差異。事件三對股東財富有顯著負影響,且事件後較事件前的銀行信用風險有顯著的下降。故知,政府對銀行的資本管制事件,雖造成股東的財富損失;但銀行的信用風險亦降低。


This paper attempts to investigate the influence of capital regulation announcement on the effects of stockholder’s wealth and risk in Taiwan’s banking firms. We use event study method and market model to analyse the abnormal returns and variance of returns based on three capital regulation events. The research period is from 160 days before Jul. 11 1988 to 160 days after Apr. 16 1992. Seemingly unrelated regression technique is being used to estimate the coefficients. The empirical results reveal that the first event has some negative significant influcnce on stockholer’s wealth, but has no significant influence on banking credit risk. The second event also has the similar conclusion. But the third event has not only the negative significant influence on stockholder’s wealth, but also has some positive significant influence on banking credit risk. So althought capital regulation event will reduce the wealth of stockholder, but it also has some influence on reducing banking credit risk.


