  • 期刊


On the Relationship Between Core Literacy and General Education




This article is about the understandings and reflection of an educator while confronted with the challenges brought up by new technologies in order to help equip the industry with sufficient humanistic ideals and value guidance and enables the students to clearly recognize the perspective socio-economic issues. This article is divided into three parts. First, the writer would explain the challenges of the century of artificial intelligence. It shows the difficulties in the current education, and analyzes the educational challenges in the future. Second, we would reflect on the essence and meaning of education through the eyes of Turing, the founding father of artificial intelligence, and explain why education should revolve around "human beings" and then explicate the meaning and importance of core literarcy. Third, the close relationship between core literacy and general education is illustrated through the policies about general education policies made by the Department Ministry of Education throughout the past years. It is argued that new transcendental thinking beyond artifices can be achieved only through improving on the profoundness of human thinking. Human beings can only be benefited by technical ethics through caring about others and good use of technology.


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