  • 期刊


Oral Hygiene Improvement Project for Psychiatric Inpatients




Psychiatric patients often ignored their oral hygiene. Studies indicated that poor oral hygiene is a common and serious problem among psychiatric patients and is needed to be prevented and intervened. This project aimed to improve oral hygiene of inpatients with acute psychosis. Prior to the implementation of this project, the authors concluded three common oral problems based upon patients' nursing admission assessment. They were plague, decayed tooth, and gum receding. Data analysis showed that those problems were mainly caused by: (1) poor oral self-care; (2) cognitive distortion due to illness; (3) the oral hygiene education has not included in nursing care routines. The authors set up a systematic plan of oral hygiene improvement project that consisted of routine care for oral hygiene, psycho-education for proper tooth cleaning techniques, reminding patients of what they learned for oral cleaning, family's assistance in reminding patients of proper oral hygiene and combining the oral hygiene education with discharge plan. The results of this project showed that the score of patients' oral hygiene decreased from score 4 to score 1.3, which is higher beyond the expected score of 2.0. Also, patients' plaque significantly improved: grade III and IV improved from 91% to 13%; grade I and II increased from 9.0% to 87%. The outcomes of this project indicated that incorporating psycho-education program of oral hygiene in daily nursing routine care could produce significant improvement.


