



大曲 舞隊 隊戲 竹竿子 引戲


”Popular entertainments to mark the various seasonal festivals” the performance from the folk music, builds up each vaudeville technique demented funnily; also some people believed that it was coming from the ancient times sacrificial offering dancing to music. The Song Dynasty folk festival celebrates by the dance primarily, ”dance team” the performance including the martial arts, the acrobatics and the traditional entertainment involving talking and singing and so on parade performance, ”Continues Literature according to sighted person Wang Qi To pass Tests” curls 153 to carry: The Later Zhou Dynasty peaceful is dancing to music 80 people, Emperor Taitsung of Tang ”breaks through the enemy lines the dancing to music” 120 people......The Song instruction office young child dances the team 72 people, the girl student team 153 people...... This kind ”the dance team” sings and dances, not only had the character to dress up also had the plot, had certain theatrical effect, mixed frequently is called ”the team play”; But ”team play” development after Song Dynasty has not stopped, in the literature records the folk festival celebrates when has the good person to perform ”the team play”, the Yuan Dynasty ”the team play” will even treat as ”the country vulgar old ritual” a part, the Ming Dynasty Wanli two years which discovered in the Shanxi Lucheng County ”Meets the god Match Society Courtesy in 1985 To pass on Book 40 Tune Traditional modes”, also has the dancing to music (mute team play) the foot color ostentation list 25 kinds, these are the drama and the dance history material information. However ”team play” form actually why? Why have many mature team plays in the Tang Dynasty to perform? How does it is also unify the play and the dance? Before these, although is mentioned by the scholar has not actually had thoroughly, this article in the senior scholar's research foundation, a more thorough analysis inquires into ”the team dance” ”the team play” the historical state.


Seasonal Festivals Daqu team dance team play


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