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Reflections on Educating Workplace Ethics




職場倫理 道德 教育


In 1985 Harvard University added ”Ethics” as another core course to the original five in the general education. Recently, the Ministry of Education of Japan has considered to theorize ”Ethics” into an essential educational course in a school and promised to accomplish this plan. This idea coincidentally reflects what UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) addressed the issue of ”Ethics problems will be the primary concern in the 21(superscript st) century” in 1989. Even though a number of higher educational institutes have increased and educational level of each individual in Taiwan has risen rapidly in the last decade, poor moral values within each have caused a plethora of problems in the society. Nevertheless, the society still blames education at fault. According to this study, classes on ethics have already become one of the most important courses in colleges. Then we ask ourselves, is the education on ethics the cause of problems? Since the authors are university teachers teaching the subject of ”Workplace Ethics”, they have experienced the difficulties in teaching this course. Therefore, the authors have done the research to explore the problems within the education of ethics.
