  • 期刊


Stress Perception of Open Heart Surgery Patients after Discharge –A Follow-Up Study


心臟手術雖可改善病人心臟疾病,但卻會給病人帶來許多壓力。這些壓力並不會因病人出院而中止,反之,病人出院後之居家時期,仍須面對許多的壓力。本研究即是以作者設計之壓力源量表為工具,以某醫學中學六十位心臟手術病人為對象,探討其在手術出院後一個月及六個月的壓力源及其變化。研究結果發現心臟手術病人確認身不適、擔心合併症、往返醫院的不便、社交生活受限、等待醫療時間太長、患了嚴重的病必須開刀、睡眠受干擾、他人病重或死亡、以及死亡的威脅為出院後一個月及六個月前六名之重要壓力源。研究亦發現,在這段期間,病人的壓力感受是一個動態的複雜過程。有些壓力源一直存在;而某些則是在六個月時有壓力感受增強之情形。 本研究結果,可提供作為協助心臟手術病人減經壓力與調適的參考。(慈濟醫學1996; 8: 223-229)


心臟手術 居家期間 壓力源


A heart surgery may ameliorate some heart disease, but on the other hand, may cause stress. The stress that accompanies the surgery had an impact on an individual’s physical, psychological, and social health while while one is hospitalized as well as at home in convalescence. The purpose of this study was to examine stressors perceived by patients undergone heart surgery in one month and six months after being discharged from the hospital. A Stressor Scale developed by the researcher was used to survey sixty patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting or valve replacement in some large hospital in Taipei. Results showed that subjects identified physical discomforts, worrying about complications, inconvenient transportation, social life disturbance, waiting for treatment, need for a heart surgery, interruption of sleep, and severe disease or death of other person as the top five stressors in one month and six months after discharge. And, the perception of stress by subjects was a complicated dynamic process. Some stressors were mentioned to be important and continuously influencing subjects; however, some changed. Results of this study can be used as a reference for helping those heart surgery patients cope with the disease and surgery during the convalescence period (Tzu Chi Med J 1996; 8: 223-229)


heart surgery post-discharge stressor


