  • 期刊

Depressed Posterior Rib Fractures with Delayed Descending Aortic Laceration - A Case Report

肋骨陷入性骨折造成降主動脈遲性破裂 - 病例報告


主動脈破裂是胸部鈍傷中最常見的大血管傷害,但是由於肋骨骨折所造成的主動脈破裂卻十分罕見,回顧過去的文獻報告,只有2例這類的案例,本文報告一例雙側多處肋骨骨折患者,在入院後第3天由於左側第6 根斷裂凹陷的肋骨斷端刺破降主動脈造成大量出血,經緊急開胸手術修補降主動脈穿孔後患者順利出院。


Aortic rupture is the most common great vessel injury that occurs in a patient with severe chest trauma. Rib fractures which caused direct aortic injuries are very rare. There are only two case reports in the literature. We present a patient had a car accident with bilateral multiple rib fractures who had aortic laceration caused by a depressed left sixth fracture rib in the third day after admission. The patient was immediately sent to the operating room for repairing aortic laceration by emergency thoracotomy. She was completely recovered and discharged thirteen days after thoracotomy.
