  • 期刊


Epidemiological Aspects of Hepatitis B Viral Infection in Preschool Children and Their Parents in a Community of Southern Taiwan


我們以台南縣某偏僻全鄉學齡前兒童約500餘人及家長為對象,抽血分離血清以放射免疫測定法檢驗B型肝炎病毒之標誌,第1次只作表面抗原,但第2次擴及表面抗體,核心抗體,e抗原等,另由戶政事務所及問卷獲得人口學特徵等資料。 結果在學齡前兒童之表面抗原陽性率第1、2次分別為24.5%;26%,但B型肝炎病毒感染(HBV)之盛行率在6歲以前已達53%。其父親之表面抗原陽性率為26%,B型肝炎病毒感染率為88%,母親之表面抗原陽性率為19%,B型肝炎病毒感染率為88%。雖然母親表面抗原及e抗原皆陽性者,其子女HBV感染率高達96%,表面抗原陽性率也高達88%,但母親表面抗原陽性、e抗原陰性者,其子女之HBV感染率為52%,表面抗原陽性率為25%,而母親表面抗原及e抗原皆陰性者,其子女之HBV感染率為50%,表面抗原陽性率為22%。而父母及兒童HBsAg陽性者中,其HBeAg陰性的GOT,GPT平均值為高,且具統計學上之差異。 與北部之報告比較,在南部社區顯示B型肝炎病毒之感染在兒童早期即很盛行,帶原率也稍高,而且兄弟姐妹及家長之間感染情形顯示無家庭聚集現象,但表面抗原帶原者却有家庭聚集現象,水平感染途徑也是一個重要的因素,尤其是早期之水平感染。




In reviewing studies on hepatitis B viral infection rates in Taiwan, it was found that most studies came from notthern Taiwan, hospital cases or reports of special groups. The objectives of this study were to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection and its modes of transmisson in preschool children and their parents in a community of southern Taiwan. There was an 80% response rate from 507 preschool children, 226 mothers, and 128 fathers in a rual community. Blood samples were collected and sera were separated in order to test for the markers of hepatitis B virus by radio-immunoassay (RIA). At first time only HBsAg was tested. The second time Anti-HBs, Anti-core HBeAg were also tested. Preliminary results of the first and second tests showed that the positive rates of HBsAg in preschool children were 24.5% and 26% respectively. The seroconversion from negative to positive was 9.1% per year, but from positive to negative was 23.5% per year. The prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection before the age of six has reached 53% in the community. The subjects of HBsAg carrier who were also HBeAg positive were found to have statistical significant higher GOT and GPT mean values than those of HBsAg positive and HBeAg negative. In fathers, the HBsAg carrier rate was 26% and the prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection was 88%. In mothers, the HBsAg carrier rate was 19% and the prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection was also 88%. The offsprings of mothers who were both HBeAg and HBsAg positive showed 96% prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection and 25% HBsAg positive. Children of mothers who were both HBsAg and HBeAg negative showed 50% prevalence of hepatitis B viral infection and 22% HBsAg positive. The results of this investigation also suggest no family aggregation in the transmission of hepatitis B virus among siblings and parents. However the HBsAg carrier did show family aggregation. The horizental route could be considered an important role in the hepatitis B virus transimission at the early childhood.


hepatitis B infection
