  • 期刊


Recent Advances in Neuroendocrinology


1.這十多年來腦下垂體前葉激素釋放素陸續地分離、純化,其化學構造亦漸趨明白,由此結果知道〈a〉正中隆起除促進腦下垂體前葉荷爾蒙分泌之釋放外亦有抑制其分泌之抑制素,〈b〉釋放素或抑制素不只釋放或抑制一種腦下垂體前葉荷爾蒙,可作用於數種荷爾蒙,甚至于作用於胃腸荷爾蒙,〈c〉釋放素或抑制素不但存在於下視丘、腦其他部位甚至于都在消化系統也有,〈d〉胃腸荷爾蒙不但存在於胃腸,在腦也有,〈e〉腦部的釋放素、抑制素或胃腸荷爾蒙可能亦有神經調節素的功能,〈f〉釋放素或抑或抑制素在神經細胞內與神經傳遞物質共存,〈g〉腦下垂體荷爾蒙的分泌不但受釋放素與抑制素調節亦受各種神經傳遞物質及神經肽胜的影響。 2.促腎上線皮質激素,昇壓素及促產素之前驅物質已闡明。 3.由短時間內多次取血測量的結果得之黃體生成激素,生長荷爾蒙,腎上線皮質脂酮,催乳劑,雌二醇及睪丸酮的分泌,並非持續性分泌而是搏動性地分泌。此種分泌方式使目標器官對此等激素之靈敏度得以維持正常。




In recent years, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, growth hormone were identified and their chemical structures were determined. By these discoveries, it is known that (a) there are not only releasing hormones but also inhibitory hormones (now are commonly called as hypophyseotropic hormones). (b) these hypophyseotropic hormones do not act specifically to one but to several anterior pituitary hormones. (c) hypophyseotropic hormones can be found not only in the median eminence but also in other parts of the brain and in the gastrointestinal tract. (d) gastrointestinal hormones can also be found in the brain. (e) hypophyseotropic hormones also act as neuromodulators. (f) hypophyseotropic hormones co-exist with neurotransmitters in the neuron. (g) secretion of pituitary hormones is regulated by hypophyseotropic hormones but also modulated by neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Preprohormones of cortocotropin, vasopressin and oxytocin were identified. By frequent blood sampling, it was disclosed that luteinizing hormone, growth hormone, prolactin, corticosteroid, estradiol and testosterone are secreted in pulsatile fashion. This kind of secretion is important in keeping a good responsiveness of target organs to hormones.
