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Surveillance and Control of Aedes Aegypti in Epidemic Areas of Taiwan







Aedes aegypti is the main, if not the only, vector of dengue fever hi Taiwan. The dengue epidemics that have occurred in Taiwan correlate pith the distribution of Aedes aegypti which is limited to south of the Tropic of Cancer. During the 1987 outbreak of dengue fever in Taiwan, the average larval density for the months July-December in the five cities and counties of southern Taiwan was 2,284 larvae per 100 households. After control measures were taken, the average annunal larval density in the years from 1988 to 1993 declined to 1,580, 671, 442, 178, 110, and 88 larvae per 100 households, respectively. During 1987-1988, the number of confirmed cases and the Breteau index of Aedes aegypti showed an obvious positive relationship (r=0.74) in the most heavily infected 25 cities and towns. Our Institute has conducted eight training courses since 1989 for 176 health workers who serve in their respective areas as local scouts for monitoring Aedes larval density. The number of cities and towns surveyed by them in the years 1990-1993 was 116, 149, 254, and 156, respectively. The number of households covered by space spraying with permethrin was 43, 183 in 1991, 11,186 in 1992 and 4,856 in 1993. Residual spraying with alphacypermethrin was applied to houses in areas where the Breteau index was above 35. The number of houses treated in the years 1990-1993 was 4,735, 32,279, 33,726 and 17,848, respectively. Through source reduction supplemented by insecticide spraying, the average Breteau index of Aedes aegypti in the five cities and counties dropped to 23.2 in 1990, 9.0 in 1991, 9.4 in 1992, and 1.0 in 1993.


Aedes aegypti larval density Taiwan


蔡瑜珍(2004)。社區意識與整體環境維護的登革熱防治觀點 一個針對高雄市的社區比較研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2004.01287
