  • 期刊


The Changes of Central and Peripheral Nerve Conduction and the Effect of Thyroxine Replacement in Thyroidectomized Rats


本研究是將切除甲狀腺之犬白鼠,依甲狀腺素給予的時問先積不同來分組,定期施以包括中樞及週進神經傳導的電學檢查,以探討甲狀線功能低下狀態及治療稜之連貫性神經電氣生理變化,並比較中樞及週邊神經受影響之程度“結果顯示,腦榦聽覺誘發電位 〔 BAEP 〕 檢查所評估的中樞神經傳導功能,在甲狀線功能低下時確會受影響,而且隨著甲狀線功能低下的時間延長,所受的傷害也越大“其受影響的部位屬瀰漫性,自聽神經至下四疊體之腦榦功能甲狀線素治療徒,甲狀腺功能低下期問若不超過三個月,其腦榦聽覺誘委電位可以完全恢復,與正常控制組無差異“其次,藉坐骨運動神經傳導及 H 一反射檢查評估週邊神經傳導功能,委現甲狀線功能低下期問不同之各組大白鼠,均呈現正常“此結果顯示大白鼠之週邊神經傳導功能不受甲狀腺功能低下之影響,或此研究所採用之神經傳導速度檢查 〔 PNcs )不栘靈敏,無法檢查出週邊神經功能的異常“




The aim of this study is to make serial BAEPs and PNCS in hypothyroid rats in order to provide objective and quantitative methods of detecting dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system in hypothyroid status and elucidating the relationship between the recovery potential and the duration of hypothyroid status. Thyroidectomy was performed in eighteen naive 5-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats in order to induce hypothyroid status, which was confirmed by RIA study 1-2 months after the surgery. Initial BAEP and PNCS were performed in two groups of the hypothyroid animals 1 and 3 months after thyroidectomy. Following the initial examination. thyroxin replacement therapy was given to each hypothyroid group, and then followed by BAEPs and PNCS at two month intervals, up to twice normal studies or six months after the initiation of therapy. In the BAEP study, the prolonged I-V inter -peak latency was the most consistent abnormal finding in all hypothyroid rats. Delayed peak latencies as well as prolonged I-Ill and Ill-V inter-peak intervals occurred when the hypothyroid status was longer than one month. We noted that the longer the hypothyroid status, the more severe the central conduction dysfunction. Nonetheless, these abnormalities always returned to normal after the replacement therapy if the hypothyroid state was shorter than 3 months in duration. For the PNCS study, all groups of thyroidectomized rats showed the normal results. We think the peripheral nervous system of rats may be more resistant to damage by hypothyroidism than the central nervous system.


hypothyroidism BAEP PNCS
