  • 期刊


The Effects of Zhengtonglun (the Orthodox Legitimate Doctrines) upon Historiographic Instrumentalism, and upon Taiwanese History's Narrations and Teaching




Zhengtonglun (the Orthodox Legitimate Doctrines) is a particular historic philosophy in traditional China. The fact that Zhengtonglun followed Confucian principles made it political-centric. Meanwhile, those past rebates around orthodox legitimacies revealed that China’s historiography were bound by political activities. As a result of that history served politics, not only did the history become a statecraft instrument, but also the history's nature, which is a knowledge basing on past true facts, was hurt. The critiques on zhengtonglun during the early twenty century when ”the historiographic revolution” happened reflected a collapse of the older principles, according to which China's traditional intellectuals could identify the legitimacies of the past and contemporary political authorities, and a need for new principles. Meanwhile, the import of the sciential methods and professionalizing did not lead the instrumentalism of China's traditional historiography de-constructed, but the history became a carrier of nationalism when the older historiography was merged by the western enlightenment lineal history. Through examining the important Taiwanese history works, this paper finds that the narrative paradigm of Taiwanese history experienced a process from inheriting traditional orthodox legitimate principles, then doing a qualitative change, finally to running counter to zhengtonglun. This process reveals that the narrations of Taiwanese history tended to be more Taiwan-centric, instead of China-centric. However, during this process some historians still discussed and re-defined legitimacy in their historic narrations and utilized this legitimacy withsome new principles to create the continuity for their narrative subject in order to do their nation-imagining. Meanwhile, some scholars even denied the historiographic instrumentalism to effect on Taiwanese history's narrations and teaching but, consciously or non-consciously, failed to escape from the dominances of this instrumentalism.


