  • 期刊


"Rational Choice or Not"-- An Empirical Studies for the Dual Practice of the Consumer Debts Clearance Act in Taiwan




The Consumer Debts Clearance Act was promulgated in 2008. According to the statistics of the Judicial Yuan, the appeal cases for rehabilitation amounted to 33,520 (from 2008 to 2014). But, at the same period, the appeal cases for insolvency only numbered 5,724. The gap is quite obvious. Therefore, the emphasis of this article is to discuss whether the choice of the debtor is a rational one or not. In Taiwan, most of the debtors chose rehabilitation instead of insolvency. Why? If the choice is rational, why is that our system causes such results? If the choice is not rational, can we explain such behavior from the point of view of the economics? What are the elements that cause our debtors to choose rehabilitation? It is the attempt of this discussion to answer these questions. The information used in this article is based on the statistics released from the Judicial Yuan. The actual cases that have taken place since the Act was put into effect in 2008 will be examined. And the phenomenon before and after the new amendment made to the Act in 2012 will also be analyzed. This article tries to present the observations and explanations concerning the issue.


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