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Literature Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome


阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症候群(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)與高血壓、病、代謝症候群及其心血管併發症(包括腦中風及缺血性心臟病)的發生密切相關,上述病症均為人類健康之極大威脅,亟應早為防治。OSAS目前西醫並無根治療法,正壓呼吸器對症狀治療有立竿見影之效,但多數患者難以持續使用。傳統中醫依據辨證進行治療調理,冀能改善體質,減輕病症,但辨證論治須有明確依據,才能實證其效。諸多中醫學者對OSAS各有獨到之觀點與臨床經驗,近代中國大陸學者研究OSAS之病因病機,多以藏府氣化不利,痰濕氣瘀交阻為主;中醫證型方面,以痰濕、氣虛、濕熱、血瘀等為主;依據上述辨證論治選方,多以袪痰為主,而文獻報告之病例觀察或臨床試驗亦有相當不錯之療效。


Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular complications (including stroke and ischemic heart disease) closely related to the occurrence of the above diseases are human health the great threat, as early as the prevention and treatment should be urgently.OSAS does not cure therapy in current Western medicine, Nasal CPAP treatment for the symptoms have an immediate effect, but most patients can not be sustained use. Differential treatment based on traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, view to improve physical fitness, reduce symptoms. Its effect can be positive that depend on a clear basis for diagnosis and treatment.Many Chinese scholars of OSAS have unique perspectives and clinical experience. Modern Chinese mainland scholars to study the etiology and pathogenesis of OSAS, and many more adverse possession of the government gasification, gas phlegm stasis cross-resistance based; TCM respect to sputum wet, Qi weakness, heat, blood stasis based; diagnosis and treatment based on the above election party. There were many more expectorant based on the cases reported in the literature or clinical trials have also observed the positive effect.


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