  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Using Cognitive Therapy in a Patient with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder




This article presents a case using short-term cognitive-behavior therapy to effectively manage a physically dysmorphic man with major depressive disorder. A comprehensive psychiatric nursing assessment of the patient revealed four major health problems: body image disturbance, low self-esteem, impaired social interaction and sleep pattern disturbance. The patient received six sessions of cognitive-behavior therapy and self-recording during his 11 inpatient days. The goals were to enhance his self-awareness and identification of negative thoughts. The health problems improved gradually; particularly in the reduction of negative thoughts. During the three-week telephone follow-up, the patient reported that he was able to continue the positive thoughts when he encountered real life stressors. In conclusion, the short-term cognitive-behavior therapy may reduce the frequency of negative thoughts in individuals with major depressive disorder complicated by body dysmorphic disorder.
