  • 期刊


Using Importance-Performance Analysis on Quality and Competitive Advantages of Children's Rehabilitation Care: A Regional Teaching Hospital Study


目的:一、分析研究個案醫院兒童復健專業團隊的指標優勢。二、發掘影響兒童復健供需族群對於復健醫療服務品質重視度及滿意度的相關因素。方法:採橫斷式問卷調查法,研究對象為個案醫院接受兒童復健之家長及治療師。問卷分為家長版及治療師版,內容皆包含三大部分:一、基本資料,二、醫療服務品質構面重視度及滿意度調查,三、就醫/執業情況。運用SPSS 22.0中文版及重要性—表現分析法(IPA)針對各變項進行統計分析。結果:本研究共計發出121份家長版問卷及27份治療師版問卷,扣除填答不完全之無效問卷外,其中家長版有效問卷計有104份,回收率85.95%;治療師版27份,回收率100%。本研究個案醫院兒童復健專業團隊之優勢為家長版IPA分析中第二象限繼續保持(高重視度高滿意度)之品質項目,於醫療服務品質五大構面中除有形性外其餘四構面皆有涵括。而個案團隊相對劣勢為落於第一象限須集中關注優先改善(高重視度低滿意度)之項目,於醫療服務品質五大構面中除同理心外其餘四構面也皆有涵括。結論與建議:個案醫院長期致力於病患正向就醫經驗之提昇,本文透過二階段:第一階段應用Anderson醫療服務利用模式建立指標,第二階段結合IPA方法探討服務缺口之構面與項目,具體呈現持續改善服務品質之目標,將可作為其他醫事機構提昇醫療服務品質的參考。


Objectives: 1. To analyze the quality and competitve advantages of the professional team of chidren's rehabilitaion care in a teaching hospital. 2. To explore the impact factors on the importance and satisfaction of children's rehabilitation care of parents and therapists. Methods: The survey adopted a cross-section study and used the anonymous questionnaire. The study subjects were both the parents of receiving child rehabilitations and therapists who provided the treatment services. The questionnaire was divided into the parent version and the therapist version, the contents have three parts: 1. background information; 2. self-perceived importance and satisfaction of service quality; 3. varying medical / practice situation. All statistics and importance performance analysis (IPA) were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 version. Results: In this study, a total of 104 parents (response rate was 85.95%, 104/121); and 27 therapists (response rate was 100%) have completed the survey. The study results indicated that the strengths of child rehab team's in case hospital were the items in the second quadrant of the IPA analysis (high importance and high satisfaction) with the exception of tangibles in the five dimensions of quality of care. On the other hand, the relative weakness predominantly appeared in the first quadrant of the IPA analysis (high importance and low satisfaction) which included all four dimensions of the quality of service except the empathy. Conclusions: The teaching hospital has committed to improve patients' positive medical experience. This study used two phases: the first phase used Anderson model to establish indicators, and the second phase explored the dimentions and projects of service gap with IPA method, which showed the goals of continuous improvement of service quality, and could serve as a reference for other medical institutions to enhance the quality of medical services.


