  • 期刊


Nursing Experience about the Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatments




The aim of this article was to describe the experiences derived from the care plan delivered to a patient who was at the end-stage of brain tumor and was sent to the hospital due to the OHCA (out-hospital cardiac arrest) caused by the intracranial hemorrhage. After the first aid was provided, her ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) was recovered. The patient's family members knew that she had signed the letter of intent regarding pre-determined choices for HPC (hospice palliative care) and still wanted her to acquire those active treatments. Therefore, they had to face the dilemma between the patient's will and their wish for prolonging the patient's life. The author collected data through direct care, physical assessments, meeting with the family members, observing their interactive behaviors with each other and completely evaluated the patient's conditions through 4 dimensions (physical, psychological, social and spiritual). The author had found that there were four nursing problems disturbing the patient and her family members. To the patient, the major problem was ineffective airway clearance; to her family members, problems disturbing them were caregivers' role strain, conflicting opinions of family members and the anticipatory grief among those family members. Besides providing care after ROSC, the author applied the ideas of palliative care to understand the patient's will through meeting with her family members; at that time, the signed letter of intent wasn't sent to the Bureau of National Health Insurance to be noted on her National Health Insurance certificate (also called "NHI card"). However, due to the sudden cardiac arrest of the patient, confrontations and contradictions caused by the scenario that the patient had chosen to accept palliative care and those life-sustaining treatments had to be withdrawn while her family members still wanted to prolong her life. Therefore, the author tried to encourage them to touch the patient and to interact with her, to help them to express their inner feelings and to accompany the patient's family members through the grief, and then hoped that they would respect the incurable patient's right of autonomy. At last, accompanied by her family members and medical team members, the patient's mechanical ventilator was withdrawn and she peacefully finished her last journey of her life with dignity.


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