  • 期刊


Identification of Antrodia salmonea and Antrodia cinnamomea with Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Sequence


牛樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea)為臺灣重要褐腐真菌,證實具有多樣的天然化合物與龐大的醫藥潛能,由於其生長特性及已知生物活性使得其價值居高不下。香杉芝(A. salmonea)為同屬的褐腐真菌,生長於香杉木上,外表型態與牛樟芝類似,難以分辨兩者。本研究針對香杉芝與牛樟芝各別釣取其核醣體核酸,並加以定序,確定其內轉錄間隔區序列,並利用不同的分析軟體進行親緣關係之分析,成功利用該序列確立利用內轉錄間隔區序列分辨二者,而該序列未來可發展成專一性的分子標誌用以香杉芝與牛樟芝鑑識。


Antrodia cinnamomea is a scarce brown-rot fungus in Taiwan. The diverse bioactive compounds with potent pharmaceutical activity make A. cinnamomea highly valuable. A. salmonea is also an important fungus growing on Cunninghamia konishii in Taiwan with several features similar to A. cinnamomea; thus, often resulted in illegal imitation of A. cinnamomea in market. In this report, we isolated the ribosome DNA (rDNA) from A. salmonea and A. cinnamomea. We were success in using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence located in rDNA to identify. Not only the sequences A. salmonea and A. cinnamomea were difference, the phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the different ITS sequence between A. salmonea and A. cinnamomea and can be a good molecular marker.
