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The Influence of Images in the Media on Female College Students' Body Image and their Wish to Lose Weight


本研究目的是探討纖細模特兒圖像對女大學生身體意象與減重意圖之影響。研究方法採實驗設計方式,經立意抽樣招募70位女大學生,平均年齡為19.31歲(SD = ± 1.37),分成實驗組及控制組。實驗組觀看纖細模特兒之圖像,而控制組觀看無纖細模特兒之圖像。不同組別(實驗組與控制組)與不同測驗時間(前測與後測)為自變項,身體意象平均數與減重意圖平均數為依變項,採獨立樣本t檢定、成對樣本t檢定進行考驗,以驗證其差異性。結果發現:一、不同組別之女大學生在觀看圖像前,其身體不滿意程度與減重意願無顯著差異。二、女大學生在觀看具有纖細模特兒之圖像後,其身體不滿意程度與減重意圖顯著高於觀看無纖細模特兒圖像之女大學生。三、女大學生在觀看纖細模特兒圖像後,其身體不滿意程度和減重意圖顯著高於觀看圖像前。四、女大學生不會因為觀看無纖細模特兒的圖像而導致身體不滿意程度與減重意願改變。由於媒體不斷灌輸瘦即是美的概念且纖細模特兒圖像更時常出現於廣告中,這些因素使女大學生對身材的要求愈趨嚴苛,進而影響女大生對自我身體意象產生不滿意且引起減重與瘦身意圖。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of images shown in the media on the body image and the intention to lose weight among female college students. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Female students in the experimental group were asked to view images of thin models that appeared in the media. The control group was asked to view images featuring products without models. Independent variables were media images with or without models. Dependent variables were average body-image scores and average scores for wanting to lose weight before and after the test. Independent and dependent sample t-tests were used to compare the average scores of the experimental and control groups. A total of 70 female college students (aged: 19.31 ± 1.37) were selected though purposive sampling. Our results showed that (1) there was no significant difference in the score of pre-test body dissatisfaction and the wish to lose weight between the experimental and the control groups; (2) female college students who viewed images of models reported a significantly higher level of body dissatisfaction and a higher rate of wanting to lose weight than did female college students who viewed images of products without models; (3) female college students showed a significantly higher score of body dissatisfaction and a higher score for wanting to lose weight after viewing images of models when compared to the pre-test score; (4) in the control group, the post-test score of body dissatisfaction and their wish to lose weight was not significantly higher than the pre-test score. The results of this study explain why the media continually promote the concept of ”thin is beautiful” and frequently use thin models in advertisements. The use of thin models contributes to a negative body image among female college students and their wish to lose weight.


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王思涵(2012)。她們不一定常運動,但她們熱愛運動時尚。遠見雜誌網。2012年12 月21 日,取自http://www.gvm.com.tw/index.html
