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Significance of Vertebrate FossiI Occurrence in Hengehung Western Hill





The vertebrate fossils occurred from the Su-Kou Formation and Hengchung Limestone in Hengchung Western Hill are studied and compared with those occurred from HsinHua-Hill and Toukoushan area. Accorrding to analysis and discussion about the larger area distribution of these fossils, they show that these original terrestrial vertebrates can compose a life assemblage and then their remains underwent the same trasportation to distribute in these areas. Taiwan Island or Hengchung Penisula area was not the original habitates of these vertebrates. The conditions that can transport these vertebrate remains to Taiwan area were the terrestrialization of Taiwan Strait. This work also infers that the terrestrialization of Taiwan Strait would have related to the isostasy. The very thick conglomerate formation in Toukoushan age would be the one of those causes of isostasy. According to the occurrences of the marine shark tooth fossils, it shows that the paleo-lagoon of Hengchung Western Hill may be open-sea sometimes and it can be said that the area was not a homogenous condition of sedimentary area.
