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On the Genus Dichorragia Butler and One New Species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)



本文報導流星蛺蝶屬的特徵、種的檢索及種和亞種的地理分布。並記述一新種Dichorra-gia lineola sp. nov.,及其與近緣種之比較


鱗翅目 蛺蝶科 流星蛺蝶屬 新種


In this paper, a new species Dichorragia lineola is described with the characteristics of the genitalia. Besides, the generic characters, the name and its geographical distributions of all known species and subspecies are listed. A key to the species of Dichorragia is provided. Dichorragia lineola sp. ♂ wing expanse 59-65 mm. Antenna black, eye rufous, thorax and abdomen black. Forewing black, with a bluish-green lustre; Veins black; Costa and termen black; with 2 dark-black spots in median cell; 9 V-shaped streaks at subterminal space, each inside of them with a greyish-white spot, which different in the shape and size. Underside of forewing black, without gloss, spots of median cell and lower part purple, the other spots white. Hindwing black, median cell and cells 2-6 with dark-black spots, cells 6-7 with V- shaped streaks. pronounced. Underside of hindwing with a grey-white spot in basal part a row purplish-blue spots in middle, inconspicuous. V-shaped streaks of termen more than upperside in number, but inconspicuous.Male genitalia (Fig. 2): Uncus shorter and straighter, strongly sclerotized. Valva elongate. Sacculus sclerotized, deeply concaved near the apex. Aedeagus straight, bread at basal portion, slender terminally, aedeagus as long as valva, with cornuti near middle. Holotype ♂: Jiajiang County, Sichuan Province, June 18, 1992. Paratypes 2 ♂: Jiajiang County, Sichuan Province, June 21, 1992. Zhouzhi County, Shanxi Province, June 29, 1992. The type specimens is kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. This new species is closely allied to Dichorragia nesimachus nesseus Grose-Smith (Fig. 1), but differ from the latter in the following characters. 1. In the species, uncus of the male genitalia rather shorter, sacculus deeply concaved near apex, aedeagus short, broad at basal portion, slender terminally; in the latter, uncus long and curved, sacculus shallowly concaved, aedeagus slenderly long. 2. The spots of wing in upperside much fewer in this species than that in the latter.


Lepidoptera Nymphalidae Dichorragia new species
