  • 期刊


Studies on The Manufacture of Coatings-from Chinese Tallow Tree (Sapium Sebiferum Roxb) Seed oils (II)-Oil-Modified Amino-Alkyd Resin Coatings


由烏桕(Sapium sebiferum Roxb)種子所萃取之皮油,清油及毛泊,用於製造油變性胺系醇酸樹脂塗料,並與市售大豆油及亞麻仁油依同法製成之塗料比較,用於木材及鋁片之塗裝,探討自鳥桕種子所萃取之三種油,用於製造塗料之可行性。油變性醇酸樹脂依其所使用油脂含量,分為長、中及起油性三種,油長不同,其使用方法及性質也不同;改變油變性醇酸樹脂與胺系樹脂配合量及胺系樹脂中三聚氰胺甲醛樹脂與尿素甲醛樹脂之比例,能得到各種性質之塗膜。試驗結果歸納如下:1.胺系樹脂與油變性醇酸樹脂以40:60重量混合比所配成之短油性胺系醇酸樹脂塗料較兼具各種良好塗膜性質。2.胺系樹脂中,尿素甲醛樹脂對三聚氰胺樹脂比例增大,除光澤度及耐磨性減少外,其他塗膜性質差異不大或略有改善。3.短油性胺系醇酸樹脂塗料中,塗膜之光澤度,耐磨性、耐化學藥品性及耐候性,均以清油所製者優於毛油及皮油者。4.清油所配製之中油性胺系醇酸樹脂塗料,其塗膜之耐磨性、耐酸、碱及丙酮之性質均優於亞麻仁油者,而抗剝離性、不粘著性、耐衝擊性及耐候性,兩者無甚差異;毛油及大豆油所製者其塗膜性質亦相當接近,而耐磨性、耐衝擊性及耐化學藥品性均比前兩者差,但抗剝離性、不粘著性外,各種塗膜性質均最差。5.清油之長油性醇酸樹脂塗料,其塗膜除光澤度及耐磨性較以亞麻仁油所製者稍差外,其他各種性質均相略似。




The purpose of this study was to find the possibility of the manufacture of oil-modified amino-alkyd resin coatings from Chinese tallow tree seed oils. For comparison purpose, coatings made by linseed and soybean oils were included. Results obtained can be summarized as follows:1. The combined weight ratio of MF resin with short stillingia oil-modified alkydresin 40:60, its coating films proprties were better than those of other ratios.2. When UF resin was used to substitute some portions of MF resin, the properties of the coating films were not significantly altered except abrasive resistance and gloss, but when MF resin was totally substituted by UF resin, the peeling resistance of coating films on wood was not good.3. In comparison with the three kinds of short oil-modified amino-alkyd resin coating made from Chinese tallow tree seed oil; their gloss and abrasive, chemical and weathering resistance of stillingia oil films were better than those of secunda vegetable tallow and chinese vegetable tallow.4. The abrasive resistance and acid, alkali and acetone resistance of medium oiI-modified amino-alkyd resin coating films made from stillingia oil were better than those of linseed oil; the peeling, tackness, impact and weathering resistance of both oils were similar to each other. All the physical properties of coating films made from secunda vegetable tallowand soybean oil were quite similar to each other, and abrasive, impact and chemical resistance were lower than those of stillingia oil and linseed oil, but peeling, tackness, bending and weathering resistance were similar. All the properties of coating films made from chinese vegetable tallow were the lowest except tackness resistance.5. The properties of long oil-modified alkyd resin coating films made from stillingia oil were similar to those of linseed oil except gloss and abrasive resistance.In short, the film properties of oil-modified amino-alkyd resin coating made from stillingia oil were the same as linseed oil and better than those of soybean oil and those of the secunda vegetable tallow were similar to those of soybean oil.


