  • 期刊


Estimating Stand Height Growth of Nanjenshan Ecological Reserve with Digital Photogrammetry Techniques


林分高生長量能有效反應生態系中植群社會變化狀態,亦可作爲立地位級之指標。因此,不僅爲森林經營上重要探討課題,在植群保育上更具有其生態意義。本研究就墾丁國家公園不同時期(1976年、1989年、1997年)之航空照片,使用Imagine 8.5數位航測軟體,制作南仁山生態保護區之數值表面模型,經統計分析比較其高差,探討不同干擾各時期之林分高生長量,以了解不同干擾因子對於林分高生長量之影響。 本研究使用航空照片配合像片基本圖,於每一像片對上三期地貌皆未改變處,選取平均分佈之明顯地物點四點,做爲地面控制點。先於數位影像上量測各點照片座標,再攜GPS至現場測量其地面座標。空中三角測量評差結果,精度足以應用於大面積自然資源調查。經制作各時期數值表面模型,並調查地面樣區,分析探討林分高生長量動態變化結果,時間間隔較長者,其資料較時間間隔短者可靠;就南仁山生態保護區而言,不同干擾因子對於整體植群之林分高生長量具有不同之影響。 本文研究結果未來將與保護區植群社會地景生態變遷研究結合,俾便探討南仁山生態保護區之經營管理。


The stand height growth of ecosystem can be indicated the vegetation dynamics and site quality, so to discuss this issue is very important for forest management and vegetation conservation. This study using aerial photos of three representative years (1976, 1989 and 1997) as materials, then making the digital surface model (DSM) by using the digital photogrammetry technique. And in order to discuss the impacts of different factors, using the 't-test' to compare the stand height growth of different disturbed area in Nanjenshan Ecological Reserve. The RMS errors of aerotriangulation in this research are as follows: X- coordinate is 1.09m, Y-coordinate is 1.28m, Z- value is 1.45m (1976); X- coordinate is 0.56m, Y- coordinate is 0.89m, Z- value is 1.14m (1989); X- coordinate is 0.27m, Y- coordinate is 0.54m, Z- value is 0.89m (1997). Although the results as above are not in precision, but for large-scale natural resource management, these data are good enough. Otherwise, for discussing the dynamics of stand height growth, using the long interval data (1976 to 1989 and 1976 to 1997) is better than using the short interval data (1989 to 1997). The results of t-test also show that the different factors got different influences in stand height growth. So, when making management strategy, the administration should consider every situation. If the results of this research can be integrated with the dynamics of vegetation physiognomy and the dynamics of canopy density, it will be helpful for the management of Nanjenshan Ecological Reserve.


