  • 期刊


Robust and Adaptive Band Co-registration for UAS Multi-lens Multispectral Camera System


多鏡頭多光譜相機系統搭載於無人飛行系統(Unmanned Aerial System, UAS)上,能獲取高空間解析度之多光譜影像進行植生調查應用。多鏡頭設計使各鏡頭能獲取特定之波長,但卻會因不同的透視中心、視角差異與透鏡畸變等差異,導致原影像存在因波段錯位所造成的鬼影現象。針對此問題,本研究開發一穩健自適應的波段對波段影像轉換法(Robust and Adaptive Band-to-Band Image Transform, RABBIT),透過相機率定與修正之透視投影轉換公式進行波段套合,且額外加入穩健自適應誤差修正以補償各種誤差類型。成果證明該方法適用於各式多鏡頭多光譜相機系統,並可達到0.2-0.4像元的波段套合精度。


Multi-lens multispectral camera system can be mounted on an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for high resolution remote sensing data acquisition. The adopted multi-lens structure allows it to acquire multi-band images with each independent camera and specific filter. However, this lead to significant band misregistration effects as the perspective centers, viewing angles, and lens distortion effects differ to each other. In this study, a Robust and Adaptive Band-to-Band Image Transform (RABBIT) is proposed to solve the band misregistration issues of multi-lens multispectral camera. The RABBIT utilizes a modified projective transform for transferring the multi-sensor geometry into one sensor geometry, in which all the necessary coefficients are derived from camera system calibration. Considering the coefficients uncertainty during the calibration, a simulation procedure is conducted to understand the systematic effects, and a robust and adaptive correction is thus developed to correct the various systematic errors. Several datasets were collected from three state-of-the-art multi-lens multispectral camera system for the accuracy analysis and reliability evaluation. The experiments show that RABBIT can achieve 0.2-0.4 pixels band co-registration accuracy, better than the other proposed method, and is robust to different cameras, different camera calibration approaches, and different flight missions.
