  • 期刊

Combination Chemotherapy with Irinotecan and Oral Uracil-Tegafur for Recurrent or Metastatic Colorectal Cancer-Results of Different Regimens



目的:許多大腸直腸癌病人初診斷都為晚期或轉移性大腸直腸癌,而有些病人則是之前接受過大腸直腸癌腫瘤手術切除後但復發的病人。許多轉移性或復發的大腸直腸癌病人對化學治療都被證實有相當好的反應。之前的文獻結果顯示組合性化學治療會比使用單一化療藥物的腫瘤反應率來的高。因此,本試驗目的為評估單一醫師再使用不同的irinotecan及Uracil-Tegafur(UFUR)有加上或沒有加上leucovorin在治療轉移性或復發大腸直腸癌的經驗。 材料與方式:從2002年3月到2005年10月總共33位轉移性或復發的大腸直腸癌病人接受了irinotecan及UFUR的組合性化學治療有加上或沒有加上leucovorin。11位試驗組第一組病人接受了每兩週1次irinotecan150mg/平方公尺及每兩週接受一週UFUR的治療;11位試驗組第二組的病人接受每週接受1次irinotecan 100mg/平方公尺,打兩週休一週的治療及服用三週的UFUR及leucovorin,每三週為一療程的治療;11位第三組的病人則是接受每兩週打一次irinotecan 150mg/平方公尺及連續服用兩週的UFUR和leucovorin,兩週為一療程的治療。 試驗結果:腹瀉是最常見的副作用幾乎發生在所有的受試者。不同治療組副作用發生的比率沒有有意義的不同,但腫瘤反應率在第一組的病人是比較高的。 結論:同時使用多種化療藥物可以提供轉移性或復發的大腸直腸癌病人較長期的存活期。本試驗結果建議未來的試驗設計應該要把leucovorin加入治療,而服用UFUR的期間之間不要中斷UFUR的服用。


Background: Many patients with metastases or recurrences from colorectal cancer have been proven to respond well to chemotherapy. It has been suggested that multiple drugs result in a better response than therapy with a single agent. Aim: To evaluate a single physician's experience of response rate of different regimens of combination chemotherapy employing irinotecan and oral uracil-tegafur (UFUR) with or without leucovorin for patients with recurrent or metastatic colorectal cancer. Materials and Methods: From March 2002 to October 2005, 33 patients with metastatic or recurrent colorectal cancer were treated with a combination of irinotecan and UFUR with or without leucovorin. Eleven group Ⅰ patients received 150mg/m^2 of irinotecan q2w and UFUR for a week every two weeks; eleven group Ⅱ patients received 100mg/m^2 of irinotecan qw for two weeks and rest for a week, with continuous UFUR and leucovorin without interruption; eleven group Ⅲ patients received 150mg/m^2 of irinotecan q2w, with continuous UFUR and leucovorin without interruption. All patients were followed till March 2007 or death. Results: Diarrhea was the most frequently seen side effect, found to be universal in almost all the patients. There was no significant difference in the side effects from group to group. However, the response rates were better in group Ⅱ and Ⅲ than group Ⅰ. Conclusions: Multiple agents might offer long-term survival in patients with metastatic or recurrent colorectal cancer. The results of this pilot study suggest that future studies should be built on adding leucovorin to the treatment regimen, and interruption of oral UFUR during treatment is discouraged.


metastasis colorectal cancer chemotherapy irinotecan UFUR leucovorin
