  • 期刊

Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Exercise Behavior and Sleep Quality in Taiwanese College Students



目的:透過跨理論模式(TTM)研究臺灣地區大學生的運動行為,探討睡眠質量和體適能之間的相關性。方法:以台灣北部某大學自願參與之647位大學生為本研究對象(女282,男365人,年齡為21.06 ± 1.59歲,平均身高 = 167.45 ± 8.14公分,平均體重59.87 ± 11.87公斤)。睡眠質量之測試為使用中文版匹茲堡睡眠質量指數(PSQI)對受試者之睡眠質量進行評價。體適能檢測由通過國民體適能檢測講習之教師進行檢測工作。採用單因素變異數進行數據分析。結果:研究結果顯示:一、在運動行為上五個階段分別為:思考前期(precontemplation)占4.8%;思考期(contemplation)占15.1%;準備期(preparation)占58.4%;行動期(action)占11.4%,而在維持期(maintenance)則占10.2%。二、隨著運動行為階段的改變,體適能表現隨之增加,且PSQI的得分降低。三、每個運動行為階段之間體適能表現與PSQI皆有顯著差異之存在。結論:結果普遍支持TTM的有效性來了解大學生運動行為,為往後的研究和運動推廣計劃提供相關訊息。


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to leverage the explanatory power of the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change (TTM) in an investigation of the exercise habits of Taiwanese college students, as well as in an exploration of the relationship between sleep quality and physical fitness levels. Method: 647 college students (282 women, 365 men, from northern Taiwan volunteered as test subjects. TTM stages were determined using a questionnaire. The quality of their sleep was evaluated using a version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) tailored to Chinese populations, and their levels of physical fitness were gauged using a battery of field-based health-related fitness tests administered by well-trained instructors. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Results: The results suggest the following: (1) In terms of the TTM stages of implementing healthy exercise behavior, at the time of the study, only 21.7% of students surveyed were at TTM stages of engaging in regular exercise (11.4% in action, 10.2% in maintenance) Students at more advanced TTM stages of implementing regular exercise performed better in the physical fitness tests than did those who were at earlier TTM stages, and obtained lower global PSQI scores, suggesting superior sleep quality. (2) Significant differences between stages were found for the overall set of TTM and for each physical fitness variable (3) In males, significant correlations were observed between several indicators of fitness (BMI, 1600-m run/walk test, 1-min curl-up test, standing long jump) and certain PSQI sub-scores; in females, such a correlation with indicators of sleep quality was only identified in a single fitness indicator (the 800-m run/ walk test). Conclusion: The results generally support the TTM stage can be used to accurately predict a student's physical fitness level. These findings provide a basis for future studies investigating strategies that are effective in promoting wellness in college students and exercise promotion programs. For example, based on the observation that most Taiwanese college students are engaged in early stages of adopting healthy exercise habits, it is recommended that physical education courses be added to college curricula to encourage students in early stages of change, and to promote physical fitness.


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