  • 期刊


A Case Study of Competitive Table Tennis Time-out Strategy


暫停是一門藝術,亦是一門科學。11 分賽制的桌球競技,首局領先的一方,不僅佔據優勢,同時製造對手心理壓力。本文個案研究結果發現:尾局採用暫停策略明顯減少,導因在於及早停止失血亦停止壞的局勢;有鑑於11分賽制對選手而言,每一分都是關鍵,勝者恆勝、敗者仍敗,劣勢下暫停策略反敗為勝難上加難。暫停作為技戰術的一環,多數是在己方丟分的戰況下,而且比分落後不超過3 分,一旦落後超過3 分,追回機率微乎其微。暫停的運用猶如一把雙面刃,如何巧妙利用一分鐘暫停面授機宜扭轉乾坤,考驗桌球教練及選手智慧。


桌球 規則 局勢 一分鐘


Time-out is an art and is also a science. In the 11 point competition regulations of the table tennis, winning the first game has not only an advantage, but also in the meantime manufacturing the opponent's psychological pressure. By means of video analysis, this paper has found that usually in the last game the use of time-out strategy is significantly reduced, for the sake of stopping early bleeding and stopping bad momentum. In view of the 11 point system, every point is crucial for the player. The winner always wins and the loser still loses. In an inferior situation, managing a comeback is even more difficult. Time-out as a technical and tactical part, the majority falls on the one dropping points, but no more than 3 points. Once left behind more than 3 points, there is a little chance to turn back. The use of time-out is like a double edged sword, and how to cleverly use one minute time-out for confidential briefings to turn things around tests the wisdom of both table tennis coaches and players.


table tennis regulations momentum one minute


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