  • 期刊


Changes and Connotations of the United States' "One China" Policy (1972-2011): Recalling the History of U.S.-China Normalization and the Influences on Taiwan




The change of United States(U. S.) "One China" policy is originated from the alternative change of the relationship among U.S and the Cross-Strait. After WWII, the policy insisted strongly in supporting Republic of China (R.O.C) to be the only one China representative as permanent member state of United Nation (U.N) security council in 1971, then People's Republic of China (P.R.C) replaced R.O.C in the membership of U.N and in 1979, U. S. developed diplomatic relation with P.R.C (America-Sino Normalization) so that the focus of U.S "One China" Policy had been change by America- Sino "Three Communiqué" and "Taiwan Relations Act". Therefore, with history approach, this article reviews the history of America- Sino Normalization and the policy's impact on Taiwan, and at the same time analyzes the change with library approach, and compare variant-period official documents of U. S. "One China" policy (1972-2011) with comparative approach. As a result, U. S. "One China" policy is provided for keeping Cross-Strait "Status quo" and protecting American national benefits.


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