

We Media is an information distribution platform that has become a popular marketing tool for companies and individual users due to its multiple channels and ease of use. However, despite the advantages of convenience and low cost, many marketers are troubled by the lack of clarity in the positioning of individual industries and the serious homogenization of content which makes it necessary to explore the problems of We Media and propose countermeasures. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the problems and countermeasures of We Media marketing and to make relevant recommendations for subsequent research. The data obtained through the literature review was analyzed using the inductive method. The results of the study show that We Media has problems in terms of regulation, platform operation, content homogeneity and brand building. And the existing literature lacks discussion on the macro environment and industry environment and its recommendations are not specific enough which affects the applicability and effectiveness of the research recommendations. Accordingly, this study suggests that future research should explore the macro environment of We Media marketing in its entirety, or explore the impact of the various aspects of the macro environment in a sequential manner and make recommendations.


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