  • 期刊


The Effects of Learning Facilitation Oriented Dynamic Assessment Applied in Word Problem Solving Remedial Teaching for First Graders


本研究旨在探討解題學習促進導向動態評量補救教學應用設計對個體解題學習效益之影響。係針對未達75%解題學習精熟水準之國小一年級學生,採歷程導向促進(歷程及非歷程)與學習策略教導(認知整合後設認知及歸因、認知整合歸因、認知)二因子2×3 變異數實驗及追蹤設計進行,其不同向度(現有、遷移、遷移追蹤)表現,因子間無交互作用,然歷程導向促進優於他者且利於解題及遷移,認知整合後設認知及歸因策略優於餘二者且利於解題,各組內處理前後表現均具進展並具大幅效果值及關聯強度。故採歷程導向促進、認知整合後設認知及歸因策略設計,其促進效益優於其他。此外促進後量數對解題遷移追蹤表現具預測效益,且於排除解題運作記憶及自我調節影響後更趨明顯。


The author wanted to explore the remedial effects of learning facilitation oriented dynamic assessment in word problem solving (WPS) for the first graders under 75% mastery performance by the ANOVA 2×3 factorial experimental design. The results indicated that there were no factor interaction effects, but main effects were found. It was same in simple gain scores, deferred gain scores and transfer performances on process-oriented facilitation (POF), but learning strategies instruction (LSI) were effective except transfer performances. The effects of POF were better than its counterpart both on solving and transfer scores, and the effects of cognitive integrated metacognitive with attribution (CMA) strategy instruction were better than others on solving scores but were not different on the scores of cognitive integrated attribution and cognitive strategy instruction. In addition, the posttesting performances of all treatment groups were better than pretesting by each other. So, the remedial and mediated effects were better than all for POF and CMA. Finally, the interrelationships of correlation and regression prediction were found among the performances of solving, and trandfer, with follow-up transfer.
