  • 期刊


Validity of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Tests Applied in Elementary School Higher Grade Females


目的:驗證及比較600公尺跑走、800公尺跑走和修正式3分鐘登階測驗評估國小高年級女童心肺耐力測驗的效度。方法:以20名年齡介於11~12歲的國小女童為研究對象,先在跑步機進行一次漸增負荷最大努力運動測驗,評估最大攝氧量(VO2max);再分別施以三種心肺耐力測驗。依其完成固定距離的完成時間和登階測驗的心跳數定義為心肺耐力表現。所得資料以皮爾遜積差相關法分別考驗三種心肺耐力測驗成績與VO2max的相關,並以迴歸分析r^2估算效果量(effect size)定義效度,最後以逐步回歸分析較佳的測驗方式。結果:研究對象的600公尺跑走、800公尺跑走和修正式3分鐘登階等三種心肺耐力測驗成績與VO2max的相關,分別為r=-.69、r=-.79和r=-.64,均達顯著水準(p<.05),估計標準誤(SEE)分別為5.30、4.46和5.64,直線迴歸預測最大攝氧量的效果量則分別為0.92、1.70和0.69;逐步回歸分析結果只選取800公尺跑走項目。結論:證實三種心肺耐力測驗均能有效評估國小高年級女童心肺耐力能力,其中以800公尺跑走測驗較為理想。


Objective: Using maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) as an indicator to investigate the validity of cardiorespiratory fitness tests, including 600-meter running, 800-meter running, and modified 3 minutes step test, for elementary school higher grade females. Methods: Twenty higher grade females aged 11-12yrs, in elementary school were recruited in the study. Each participant completes an incremental exercise test and a battery of field tests, including the 600-m and 800-m running, and modified 3 minutes step test, to evaluate VO2max and cardiorespiratory fitness, respectively. The time during the 600-m and 800-m running tests, and the heart rates during the modified 3 minutes step test were measured. Collected data were analyzed by Pearson's product-moment correlation to verify the validity of the three tests by their association between VO2max respectively. In addition, the estimated effect size obtained from r^2 in regression analysis was used to represent the validity. Lastly, stepwise regression analysis was performed to indicated the optimal tests among the three tests. Results: (1) VO2max were significantly correlated to 600-meter running, 800-meter running, and 3 minutes step test respectively (r=1.69, r=-.79, r=1.64, p<.05). (2) The standard errors estimate (SEE) were 5.30, 4.46 and 5.64, and effect size in predicting VO2max from linear regression were 0.92, 1.70, and 0.69. (3) Stepwise regression model only selected 800-m running as an optimal test. Conclusion: All the tests, including 600-meters running, 800-meters running and modified 3 minutes step test, were effective in evaluating the cardiorespiratory fitness of elementary school higher grade females, while 800-meter running showed the best validity.


