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PoliticaI and Sociologic Education & Research Policy Shift in Mainland China


本文係從歷史分析與政策分析兩個途徑,研究中國大陸人文社會科學的教育與研究。過去中共提出「無產階級全面專政下的文化大革命」口號,現在又改提「實行改革開放政策」,左傾十年後轉向右傾又逾了十多年。第一章歷史背景,分析文革時期左傾政策表現在1. 對文藝界和學術界的批判否定, 2. 停課裁系關校對教育界的根本否定,3. 對知識分子的人身迫害,在文革結束後當局首先就扭轉這三項左傾政策。一九七八年鄧小平復出的新政策,首先是推行教育改革,恢復和發展人文與社會科學教育;其次為重視人文和社會科學研究,增設機構和出版學報;至於提高教師和研究人員地位的策略,則是恢復學術職稱和建立學位制度;在新時期當局提倡學術交流的寬容精神下,不同學術觀點的自由討論在有限度範圍內得以達成;最後在開放政策下,鄧小平親自主導了派遣留學人員、加強外語教學,以開展了國際學術交流。為了宏觀上以數據說明上述五項政策動向,本文製作了三個圖表。十幾年文教政策由左轉右也不是順利平坦的,保守派藉著一連串的學潮、群眾運動到六四天安門事件,不斷作出資產階級自由化的警告,鄧小平被迫將四個堅持和四個現代化並提,採取又紅又專發展策略,調和保守派和改革派的路線紛爭,並重專業教育和政治思想,六四後還特別加強馬列主義理論教育。結論中分析中共未能真正重視人文與社會科學的癥結,再敘述六四等事件所引起的強迫軍訓和加強政策理論教學,最後在事過境遷和師生抵制下陸續取消。本文預測人文與社會科學研究與教學'雖然發展緩慢且持受干擾,但只要中共持續改革和開放,則其學術思潮和教育方針必將逐日受現代西方思潮的影響而變革。


This paper attempts to examine the education and research of political and sociological sciences in mainland China by entering from historical and political analysis. There has been over a decade of drastic shift to the right with the appeal of ”practising reformation and open-up policy” after a decade of turning to the left under the slogan of ”cultural revolution under the total proletarian dictatorship” by Chinese Communists. Chapter One presents the historical background by analyzing those left-leaning policies evidenced in the judgment and denial against the literature and academic; the absolute denial of the education .by suspending studies, cutting off departments and closing schools; and the personal persecution against the intellectuals during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) followed with efforts to correct by the Authorities immediately after 1976.With analysis given in the conclusion of the complex in the genuine absence of any respect towards political and sociologic sciences by the Chinese Communists and the fact that those compulsory military training and intensive teaching of political theories as the backfire from the Tienanmen Incident were lately consecutiviely aborted when the passion was over and under the resistance by the students, this paper predicts although coming slow and with frequent interference along the way, prevailing trend of thoughts and educational guidelines for studies and teaching of political and sociologic sciences in the mainland China will be reformed as a result of exposing to those popular ideas in the Western world.
