  • 期刊

Improving the Security of Cloud Computing by Building New Hybrid Cryptography Algorithms


Cryptography considered from the old science that are human learn it and motivated it through all past years, Cryptography consist of two main items encryption and decryption, encryption mean we take the plain text and convert it a new text can't be read and can't be understood by any one, except the recipient. Through the motivations of technology and using the internet in all human fields, Cryptography was become widely used over many people and transportation data protocols, so encryption using the famous algorithms isolated was considered a high risk and date are not safe or can't away from hackers. So now, in this paper we will introduce a new hybrid technique for Cryptography using two algorithms (AES and Blowfish). This new technique gathering between symmetric and a symmetric encryption. This Combination of using symmetric and a symmetric technique will give us the high security and everyone have his private key that can be used for decryption process by many people at the same time. This technique has also benefit for making hashing for Key by using MD5 hashing function that will make hashing the key in encryption process and make the same process in decryption. This will increase the security of the key plus increasing security using hybrid cryptography. Finally, we will have cipher text cannot be decrypted except by the recipient.
