  • 期刊


Application of film-forming antitranspirants for control of plant diseases



抗蒸散劑原係用於降低植物的蒸散作用,藉以有效調節逆境下植物之水分利用抗蒸散劑可分成三大類即:1)氣孔開閉之調節物質,2)反射太陽輻射以降低蒸散作用之物質,3)形成薄膜之物質等。一九六二年,Gale與Poljakoff-Mayber兩氏首先利用抗蒸散劑在葉表形成薄膜之特性,有效降低甜菜白粉病的發生,證明抗蒸散劑具有預防葉部病害發生的潛力。隨後,陸續有學者報導指出抗蒸散劑亦可有效防治多種作物炭疽病、葉斑病、露菌病、白粉病、銹病及灰黴病等。抗蒸散劑防治植物病害的機制可歸納成四種:即其可1)增加葉表拒水性,2)阻斷病原入侵,3)抑制病原生長感染,4)誤導病原菌之發芽管走向。此外,抗蒸散劑向可用於保鮮、禦寒害、促進著果、降低蟲害,及增加組織培養苗假植之存活率。然而,不當使用抗蒸散劑時,偶而會促進植物病害的發生,例如貯藏期柑桔果實,若以水腊處理後,會促進Alternaria citri、Diplodia natalensis和Fusarium sp.等菌類引起果實蒂腐病。今後抗蒸散劑的應用,宜設法有效融入栽培管理體系中,並注意其對目標作物生育的抑制或毒傷作用,才可使其表現優越的防病功效。


Plant pathogens enter into host plants by direct penetration or indirectly through natural openings or damaged tissue. defend themselves from pathogens with their cuticle layer that is a natural structure of the leaf surface. Cuticle is mainly composed of wax and cutin. Some resistance mechanisms are known to be related to the thickness of wax layers, repellency of water leaf surface, chemical substances in the cuticle, and misdirection of pathogen from the that anti germ tubes by changes in surface structures. Plant pathologists have proven transpirants have a effect in control of plant diseases due to the plastic film form ng on the surface similar to the cuticle layer. Antitranspirants also contribute to increased efficiency of water utilization by crop plants. There are three types of antitranspir compounds with stomatal-regulating properties, 2. reflective materials that reduce transpiration by reflection of solar radiation from plant parts, and 3. film forming compounds. Poljakoff-Mayber (1962) recorded a decrease in powdery mildew of sugar beet after the use of pidermal-coating antitranspirants on the crop plant, and first proved that antitranspirants have a prophylactic efficiency to control disease So far, there have been several papers reporting such as anthracnose. leaf spot. down that antitranspirants reduce several plant diseases mildew, powdery mildew, rust, and gray mold, etc. However. Waks et al. (1985) reported that different commercial waxes increased stem-end rot and internal core rot of the storage citri fruit caused by Alternaria citri. Diplodia natalensis, and Fusarium spp. The effects of antitran cuticle layer in defense against pathogens. Their spirants are similar to those of the natural follows: 1. increasing the repelling ability toward free water 2. producing properties are mechanical barrier against pathogen infection, 3. suppressing the growth of pathogens, and 4 misdirecting the pathogen germ lubes from penetration. Otherwise, antitranspirants could also be used for preservation of freshness, reduction of cold injury, enhancement of flower retention, fruit set or pest control. and increasing the survival of acclimatizing cultured on, fruit set or pest control plants. Application of antitranspirants to enhance the efficiency of disease control in the future will be feasible if it is properly incorporated into cultural practice and if the concentrations and types used do not suppress the growth of target plants nor cause phytotoxicity.
