DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1998016台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 18: 187-196 (1998) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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The Occurrence of Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and Its Parasitoids on Fields of Gerbera jamesonii 【Research Article】

Ching-Chin Chien* and Hsiu-Chih Ku
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received:      Accepted:      Available online: 1998/09/01
The occurrence of Liriomyza trifolii and its parasitoids in 2 Gerbera jamesonii gardens in Dakan, Taichung was investigated from October 1991 through June 1994. The results showed that the adult lesfminer oviposited between the 2nd and the 7th leaves. The 3rd instar leafminer occurred in similar densities on the 3rd-4th and the 6th-7th leaves. L. trifolii larvae (the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae) showed aggregative spatial distribution with 3.3-7.3 basic units. The optimal sampling size at larval densities of 4 and 8 per leaf was estimated to be 12-41 and 5-20 leaves, respectively. L. trifolii and its parasitoids occurred synchronously in the fields. Under the control of chemicals and parasitoids, the density of 3rd instar larvae declined from 0-18.4 / leaf in 1991-1993 to 0-7.7 / leaf in 1994, and the insect pest shifted from frequent to occasional occurrence. Seven indigenous parasitoids were recorded in Taiwan, Among them, Hemiptarsenus varicornis and Neochrysocharis formasa occupied 38.86 and 44.77% of the parasitoids collected on the field, respectively (n=19,014). These 2 wasps occurred simultaneously without hyperparasitoids. About 11 species of common weeds in G. jamesonii fields were recorded, however, 9 and 5 species of them were suitable for emergence of L. trifolii and its parasitoids, respectively. Erechtites hieracifolia and Solanum nigrum were the most preferred host plants both for the leafminer and its parasitoids.

自1991年10月至1994年6月在臺中大坑兩處施藥非洲菊園調查得知,非洲菊斑潛蠅在非洲菊之第二至第七葉間產卵,且該蠅第三齡幼蟲在第三、四葉與第六、七葉上之密度相近。非洲菊斑潛蠅第二齡與第三齡幼蟲之空間分布型為聚集型。基本單位為3.3~7.3個體群分布。當平均每葉斑潛蠅幼蟲數為4與8隻時,最適取樣葉數分別為12~41與5~20葉片。在田間非洲菊斑潛蠅與其寄生蜂同步發生,該蠅在施藥與寄生蜂之抑制下,其第三齡幼蟲之發生 密度由1991~1993年之0~18.4隻/葉,降至1994年之0~7.7隻/葉,發生頻率亦由經常發生降為偶發性。非洲菊斑潛蠅之本地種寄生蜂共有7種,其中異角釉小蜂與華釉小蜂分別占寄生蜂量之38.86與44.7%(n=19,014 隻),且未發現有重複寄生蜂。此兩種蜂之發生期頗為一致。非洲菊園內常見之雜草有11種,但適宜非洲菊斑潛蠅及其寄生蜂羽化者則有9與5種,其中又以飢荒草與龍葵為兩者最適之寄主植物。

Key words: Liriomyza trifolii, parasitoids, Gerbera jamesonii, weeds, population fluctuation.
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