DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1999007台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 19: 101-111 (1999) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Development, fecundity, and odor preference of the parasitoid, Aphelinus gossypii, and its effect on the population of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii, on three muskmelon cultivars 【Research Article】

Y.J.Zu and C. B.Huei L.Y.Chang
余志儒*、陳炳輝 劉玉章
*通訊作者E-mail : Resistance, Muskmelon, Aphis gossypii, Aphelinus gossypii, Compatibility.
Received: 1998/11/09     Accepted: 1999/01/13     Available online: 1999/03/01
Cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover) were reared, respectively, on susceptible TN 8, and resistant TN 9 and Autumn Favor (CT) muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars, then those aphids were used as hosts of the parasitoid (Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake) at 25℃ in the laboratory. There were no significant differences in development time from egg to adult emergence, adult weight and longevity, number of aphids fed on and parasitized, or percentage of emergence and female progeny for those parasitoids reared on different aphid hosts. Only the female development time of 15.11 ± 0.60 d on TN 9 was longer than that on the other cultivars. Numbers of aphids increased more slowly in the treatment with parasitoid presence than absence on each muskmelon cultivar. This revealed that a compatibility existed between resistant muskmelon cultivars and parasitoid detectoin by the S/R ratio that could enhance the suppression of cotton aphid populations better in TN9 than in CT. The wasp preferred the odor from the resistant better than from the susceptible cutlivar in the absence of cotton aphid. This should be an advantage in combining resistant cultivars and parasitoids for the control of cotton aphids.

分別以洋香瓜(Cucumis melo L.)感蚜品種台南8號、抗蚜品種台南9號及秋香飼育棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover),並以之飼育棉蚜小蜂(Aphelinus gossypii Timberlake)。於室內25℃下測得棉蚜小蜂自卵至羽化之發育時間除雌蜂以育自抗蚜品種台南9號之棉蚜為寄主時的15.11±0.60日顯著最長外,雄蜂發育時間、成蜂體重及雌成蜂之壽命、一生取食棉蚜數、形成棉蚜乾屍數、總產子數、子代雌性比、有羽化孔之乾屍率等皆不因其寄主育自不同洋香瓜品種而受影響。棉蚜在三洋香瓜品種上之增殖數,有接棉蚜小蜂者皆明顯比無接蜂者減少,感蚜品種與抗蚜品種上棉蚜數之S/R比值顯示秋香與台南9號品種之抗棉蚜性與棉蚜小蜂有相容性,可互相增強對棉蚜族群之抑制,而台南9號又比秋香作用更明顯。棉蚜小蜂對無棉蚜棲息之抗蚜品種氣味的偏好比感蚜品種高,亦可能有益於二者之聯合防治棉蚜。

Key words: Resistance, Muskmelon, Aphis gossypii, Aphelinus gossypii, Compatibility.
關鍵詞: 洋香瓜、棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)、抗性、棉蚜小蜂(Aphelinus gossypii)、相容性
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