DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1994018台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 14: 233-244 (1994) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Investigations on the Distribution and Breeding Habitats of Dengue Vectors in Kaohsiung City 【Research Article】

Ji-Sen Hwang, Err-Lieh Hsu
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Received:      Accepted: 1994/03/04     Available online: 1994/06/01
Larval surveys were made in 11 administrative districts during the years 1989-1991, revealing the presence of both Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse). The former species was predominant (70%). The larval density of Aedes was higher in the coastal areas than in the inland areas. Aedes larvae were found mostly in flower vases and plates (38.8%), followed by tins and cans, buckets, water jars, refrigerator receptacles, automobile tires, tanks and basements. Only 0.2% of Aedes was found in plant containers. Water storage containers were the major breedding sites for Aedes in coastal areas, and ornamental containers in the inland areas. In Kaohsiung city, the number of outdoor artificial water containers with Aedes breeding was higher than that of indoor containers. Aedes larvae appeared to prefer to breed in containers of plastic materials, followed by those of porcelain, rubber, cement, metal and glass. As classified by different types of buildings for usage, schools had the highest ratio of container index, followed by vacant lots, temples, hospitals, empty houses, public places, factories, offices, shops and dwellings. The containers with Aedes breeding were found, in the descending order, in vacant lots, surroundings of house, basements, courtyards, corridors, living rooms, kitchens, bed rooms and bath rooms, positive with Aedes breeding. It was also found that more breeding of Aedes occurred in the industrial areas, followed by the commercial and residential areas. Regarding the vertical distribution of Aedes breeding in houses, the highest positive rate was found on the first floor (container index 5.4%), followed by the second floor, and then the third and fourth floor. No breeding of Aedes was found on the fifth floor or above. One-storied houses usually had higher rate of Aedes breeding. These findings coincided positively with the occurrence of dengue cases. In Kaohsiung city, the most difficult places in which to deal with source redduction are vacant lots and basements. Efforts have thus been made to solve the problem.

在1991年同步調查高雄市11個行政區,皆有白線斑蚊 (Aedes albopictus (Sku-se)) 和埃及斑蚊 (Aedes aegypti (L.)) 分布,不同行政區斑蚊幼蟲密度不同,所有行政區埃及斑蚊密度皆高於白線斑蚊。經由不同地理環境分析,沿海地區密度高於內陸地區,由於內陸地區白線斑蚊密度低,顯示埃及斑蚊比白線斑蚊更能適應內陸都市化之環境而成為優勢種。不同行政里斑蚊密度亦有不同,其差異和積水容器數目多寡有關。不同用途建築物斑蚊幼蟲密度不同,陽性率由高至低依序為學校、建築工(空)地、寺廟、醫院、空屋戶、公共場所、工廠(場)、辦公場所、商店、住戶;建築物內外孳生容器陽性率以空(工)地最高,其次依序為住宅四週、地下室、庭院、騎樓、客廳、廚房、臥室、浴室。由此可知斑蚊屋內外水平分布及密度不同,主要受建築物空間用途不同所致。就斑蚊垂直分布調查,斑蚊密度最高為木造及鐵皮平房,其次為水泥及磚造平房,二、三樓;四、五樓及六樓(含)以上建築物無差異,顯示斑蚊密度高低與建築物形態、時間、建質材料及用途有關。就建築物用途,斑蚊密度以工業區域最高、商業區域次之,住宅區域最低。經由不同樓層調查結果顯示,樓層高之住戶斑蚊分布及密度愈低,一樓住戶陽性率最高、二樓次之,再次為三樓及四樓住戶;五樓(含)以上在調查期間未見有斑蚊幼蟲分布,由斑蚊垂直分布和病例發生相吻合,證明二、三樓在都市地區可成為登革熱染地點。在1989-1991年調查高雄市11個行政區發現斑蚊孳生容器以花器最多,其次依序為瓶罐、水桶、水缸、冰箱水盤、輪胎、盛器、水槽、積水地下室;植物容器最少僅0.2%。就不同用途分類以裝飾容器最多,其次依序為儲水容器及廢棄容器。而沿海和內陸地區主要孳生容器種類不同,沿海地區以儲水容器為主;內陸地區以裝飾容器為主,顯示工業的沿海地區民眾生活日常用品和商業化的內陸地區不同,導致斑蚊孳生容器種類有差異。

Key words: Dengue fever, Aedes aegypti (L), Aedes albopictus (Skuse).
關鍵詞: 登革熱、埃及斑蚊、白線斑蚊。
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