DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1997002台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 17: 11-22 (1997) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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The Characterization of Lymantria xylina Nucleopolyhedrovirus (LyxyNPV) and the Establishment of in vitro Multiplication of LyxyNPV 【Research Article】

Chen-Chung Yu, Hwie-Hsin Kao and Chung-Hsiung Wang*1)、Jung-Tai Chao and Sheng-Shan Lu 2)
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Received:      Accepted: 1996/01/11     Available online: 1997/03/01
The casuarina moth, Lymantria xylina, is an improtant pest of broadleaf trees in Taiwan. The viral pathogen. L. xylina nucleopolyhedrovirus (LyxyNPV), was isolated and purified from the moribund larvae with nucleopolyhedrosis. The morphological and biochemical characteristics and in vitro multiplication of LyxyNPV were studied. LyxyNPV is a typical NPV with an envelope and rod shape. IPLB-LD652Y cells are highly susceptible to this virus and the infected cells show a polyhedral symptom in their nuclei. The major protein patterns of LyxyNPV and LdNPV (L. dispar NPV) are similar except for a 42.6kDa band in the former and a 44.5kDa band in the latter. However, the EcoRI restriction enzyme profile of LyxyNPV exhibits a significant difference from that of LdNPV. Based on the in vitro host range and also morphological and biochemical characteristics, LyxyNPV is considered to be closely related to LdNPV.

黑角舞蛾(Lymantria xylina)是近年來危害台灣防風林之主要害蟲,由其罹患核多角體(Nucleopolyhedrosis) 之幼蟲所分離出黑角舞蛾核多角體病毒 (L.xylina nucleo-polyhedrovirus, LyxyNPV) 進行形態及生化特性等資料以及體外增殖系統之建立。黑角舞蛾核多角體病毒之病毒粒子屬典型之核多角體病毒,其被膜呈桿狀。體外增殖系統已成功地建立,只有IPLB-LD652Y細胞株能接受此病毒並呈多角體症病變。黑角舞蛾核多角體病毒之包涵體的主要蛋白質圖譜與舞毒蛾(L. dispar nucleopolyhedro-virus;LdNPV)極為相似,不同處在於42.6 kDa和44.5 kDa蛋白質帶分別只存在於LyxyNPV和LdNPV。至於基因組之EcoRI限制 切割圖譜,與已報導之舞毒蛾核多角體病毒之EcoRI限制 切割圖譜有相當多的差異。基於體外感染寄主域和特性的鑑定上認為兩種舞蛾核多角體病委親緣關係是相當接近。

Key words: Lymantria xylina, LyxyNPV, in vitro multiplication, characteristics
關鍵詞: 黑角舞蛾、黑角舞蛾核多角體病毒、體外增殖、特性。
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