DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2004006台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 24: 65-72 (2004) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Attracting Effectiveness of Fruit Net-bags and Victor Fly Traps for the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae), at a Touliu Guava Orchard 【Research Article】

果實網袋包與渦旋式誘蠅器在斗六番石榴園對東方果實蠅 (Bactrocera dorsalis) (雙翅目:果實蠅科)之誘殺效果【研究報告】
Kun-Yaw Ho*, Shi-Cheng Hung How-Jing Lee, Tung-Ching Hsu and Yau-I Chu
何坤耀*、洪士程 李後晶、許洞慶、朱耀沂
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2004/03/06     Accepted: 2004/03/24     Available online: 2004/03/01
The degree of fruit infested by the Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), decreased when using a guava-sticky-bag (fruit net-bag) and methyl-eugenol Victor fly trap but not when only using a Victor fly trap in a guava orchard. However, adding a McPhail trap which contains poisoned protein hydrolysate to the guava-sticky-bag and Victor fly trap treatment did not significantly increase the effectiveness for overall fly attractiveness. However, when the fly population increased, adding the action of cleaning the orchard decreased the degree of damaged fruit. According to a series of decreasing trapped fly numbers and high control rate in a later stage in guava-sticky-bag treated orchards, this also showed good trapping efficiency. Testing data showed that only the Victor fly trap treatment could catch a large number of male flies, but it did not decrease the degree of damaged fruit. In addition, using the guava-sticky-bag and periodically cleaning the orchard also decreased the ratio of gravid female flies; however, the ratio increased again when the fly source of the intruder dramatically increased.

在番石榴園同時懸掛成熟番石榴果實網袋包與內置含甲基丁香油之渦旋式誘蠅器,果實被害度會比只懸掛渦旋式誘蠅器為低,如再增加懸掛裝有含毒蛋白水解物誘餌之麥氏誘蟲器時,並未能顯著提高對東方果實蠅Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) 之誘殺效果。由各懸掛番石榴網袋包試區誘殺雌、雄蟲數之持續下降及後期防治率之逐漸提高,證實其確有不錯之誘殺效果。另由試驗得悉,只懸掛渦旋式誘蠅器之試區,雖亦能誘到大量之雄蟲,但在短期內卻無法降低果實之被害度,其因乃部份雌蟲會在懸掛渦旋式誘蠅器試區之成熟果實上活動。另外,果園中曾發現懸掛果實網袋包與定期清園亦能降低東方果實蠅懷卵之雌蟲比率,然而當由外飛入蟲源增多時則懷卵之雌蟲比率又會昇高。

Key words: Bactrocera dorsalis, fruit net-bag, Victor fly trap, attracting effectiveness
關鍵詞: 東方果實蠅、果實網袋包、渦旋式誘蠅器、誘殺效果
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