DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2008024台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 28: 315-320 (2008) 科學短訊  Scientific note
Formosan Entomologist
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Preliminary Report on the Occurrence of Litchi Gall Midge, Litchiomyia chinensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in the Chiayi Area, Taiwan 【Scientific note】

嘉義地區新發現荔枝癭蚋 (Litchiomyia chinensis) (雙翅目:癭蚋科) 為害初報【科學短訊】
Shi-Cheng Hung1, Kun-Yaw Ho1*, and Chien-Chung Chen2
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2008/10/29     Accepted: 2009/02/03     Available online: 2009/02/01
The litchi gall midge, Litchiomyia chinensis Yang and Luo, which damages the young leaves of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), has previously only been recorded in China and Australia. A similar pest was recently found in litchi orchards in the Chiayi area, Taiwan in September 2008. Based on our preliminary comparisons on the morphology, occurrence, damage habit, and host specificity with records in the literature, the newly discovered pest found in Taiwan is very similar to the L. chinensis recorded in China. However, further expertise in identification is required. It is suspected that the pest was brought to Taiwan with seedlings or in packing soil through illegal importation. The current occurrence of the pest is known in Jhong-Pu, Jhu-Ci, Fan-Lu, Mei-Shan and Da-Lin in Chiayi county and Chiayi city, affecting more than 20,000 hectares. Among these localities, Jhu-Ci, Jhong-Pu and Fan-Lu are the three most infected townships where 50-90% of new leaves of the litchi are damaged by this pest. This paper reports the occurrence, distribution and damage rates as well as suggests some control measures for this new pest. We hope to draw early attention to this problem in the hope to prevent the spread of litchi gall midge in Taiwan.

荔枝癭蚋 (Litchiomyia chinensis Yang and Luo),在全世界僅分布於中國廣東省及澳洲地區,主要為害荔枝之新梢嫩葉。2008年9月間,於嘉義地區荔枝園發現似此種害蟲,經初步比對文獻記錄,依其外部形態、發生為害及寄主專一性等特徵推測台灣所發現者可能與中國之荔枝癭蚋為同一種,惟尚待分類專家作進一步鑑定。推斷此害蟲的發生,極可能是近年有未經檢疫私自從中國廣東地區攜帶入境種苗,藉由帶蟲苗木或包裹根部之土壤而入侵台灣。目前此蟲在嘉義縣中埔鄉、番路鄉、竹崎鄉、梅山鄉、大林鎮及嘉義市之果園發生為害,分布範圍涵蓋約2萬多公頃,其中竹崎鄉、番路鄉及中埔鄉之為害較為嚴重,被害之新梢葉片達50~90%。本文針對此新發現之害蟲提出一些生活習性、為害特性、分布情形及防治要點等資料,籲請蟲害專家、政府當局及荔枝果農特別注意。

Key words: litchi, Litchiomyia chiensis, damage, new record
關鍵詞: 荔枝、荔枝癭蚋、為害、新紀錄種。
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