DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2014002台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 34: 11-20 (2014) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Investigation of Spider Mites Annona spp. in Taitung and the Toxicity of Acaricides to Tetranychus kanzawai (Tetranychidae: Acari) 【Research Article】

Yu-Tzu Hsu
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Received: 2014/02/17     Accepted: 2014/03/25     Available online: 2014/04/01
Four species of spider mites on Annona spp. (Annona squamosa and A. hybrida (in Taitung were investigated during 2009-2012. Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida was found in each of the samples. Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner (was less frequently collected. Tetranychus urticae Koch was only collected in the Beinan area, and in 2012 its population was more abundant than that of T. kanzawai. Tetranychus piercei McGregor was found only once in the Beinan area. The toxicity of seven acaricides, in the recommended concentration, to T. kanzawai collected from 3 orchards, was tested in the laboratory. The results showed that the mortality was generally less than 50% at the recommended concentration, except 1% milbemectin EC, 4% pyrimidifen SC and 10% tebufenpyrad WP which were still highly toxic to T. kanzawai from orchards 2 or 3. When the dosage was increased to double the recommended concentration, 1% milbemectin EC, 4% pyrimidifen SC and 10% tebufenpyrad WP showed a high mortality (86-100% (to T. kanzawai from orchards 2 and 3, but not to those from orchard 1. The other acaricides still did not show a high enough mortality rate.

於2009至2012年間調查臺東地區為害番荔枝之葉蟎種類,共發現4種,神澤氏葉蟎 (Tetranychus kanzawai (Kishida)) 普遍發生於各處採樣果園;茶葉蟎 (Oligonychus coffeae (Nietner)) 發生於部分果園;二點葉蟎 (T. urticae (Koch)) 僅發現於卑南鄉番荔枝果園,且2012年採樣時密度呈現高於神澤氏葉蟎的趨勢;皮氏葉蟎 (T. piercei McGregor) 僅在1果園採得。室內測試7種核准登記於防治番荔枝葉蟎類之殺蟎劑推薦濃度及其2倍濃縮濃度對3處番荔枝園採得之神澤氏葉蟎之毒性,致死率幾乎均未達50%,僅1% 密滅汀乳劑、4% 畢汰芬水懸劑及 10% 得芬瑞可溼性粉劑在推薦濃度下對果園2或3採得之神澤氏葉蟎仍有高毒性。以2倍推薦濃度處理後,1% 密滅汀乳劑、4% 畢汰芬水懸劑及10% 得芬瑞可溼性粉劑對果園2及3二處果園之神澤氏葉蟎均有良好至優良防治效果,對果園1之神澤氏葉蟎仍然無理想防治效果,其餘藥劑之致死率仍然偏低或不理想。

Key words: Annona squamosa, A. hybrida, Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida, acaricides
關鍵詞: 番荔枝、鳳梨釋迦、神澤氏葉蟎、殺蟎劑。
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