DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2014004台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 34: 33-47 (2014) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Adult Season and Flash Behavior of Luciola filiformis Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Southern Taiwan 【Research Article】

墾丁國家公園與西拉雅國家風景區紋胸黑翅螢 (鞘翅目:螢科) 成蟲發生期與雄蟲發光行為【研究報告】
Ming-Luen Jeng1, Tsan-Rong Chen2, Jun-Hao Chiu3,4, and Wenbe Hwang3*
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2013/11/28     Accepted: 2014/03/10     Available online: 2014/04/01
Luciola filiformis Olivier is a common but understudied firefly species in Taiwan. This paper reports a quantitative research conducted in 2010-2011 on its adult season and flashing behavior based on two populations in southern Taiwan. The adult season of L. filiformis in Nanrenshan, Kenting National Park, differs considerably from those in Siraya National Scenic Area (NSA) and other areas in Taiwan. The males appear throughout most of the year, with two peaks, one in spring and one in fall, in the old- growth forests of Nanrenshan. In Siraya NSA however, they are limited from May to July with a single peak. About 10-30 minutes after sunset, the males start patrol flights lasting from 8 to 45 minutes. They regularly emit a single-pulse flash at a rate of about 3 flashes a second. The interflash interval averages 351.82 ± 94.34 msec, and the pulse duration is 102.64 ± 25.25 msec (n = 101, mean ± SE) under 22.1oC.

本文章報告2010/3~2011/3在墾丁國家公園南仁山生態保護區與2011/3~2012/2在西拉雅國家風景區山區每月兩次的螢火蟲定期調查中,所記錄到紋胸黑翅螢的成蟲發生期,以及2009/5在西拉雅地區所作的發光行為研究結果。南仁山步道2.7 km處穿越線除2010/12~2011/1完全未見成蟲外,其餘月份的歷次採樣中均有發現,雄蟲高峰出現在2010/3~6月,最高峰於4月初,9~10月出現次高鋒期;7~9月為波谷期,此一發生期與臺灣其他地區截然不同;雌蟲的採樣數較零星,但發現到的月份與雄蟲的高峰/次高峰期同步。西拉雅地區紋胸黑翅螢只發現於海拔約 1,000 m 的梅嶺與大凍山東側穿越線,兩地雄蟲皆出現於2011/5~7月,發生高峰集中在6月上旬,與臺灣中部地區之發生期類似但稍晚;梅嶺的發生期較大凍山略早也略久。南仁山區雄蟲在日沒後11~34分鐘內開始發光 (平均為24.13 ± 5.35 min,n = 23),發光飛行持續8~45分鐘,一小時定量的分段採樣中,前30分鐘個體數與後30分鐘有顯著差異。單夜觀察雄蟲之活動,在第5~10分鐘時發光隻次達到顛峰。氣溫22.1oC時雄蟲的發光時程為351.82 ± 94.34 msec,脈衝持續時間為102.64 ± 25.25 msec (mean ± SE, n = 101)。文中討論南仁山核心保護區特殊的發生期相關因素,並比較雄蟲發光飛行行為和發光訊號與日本八重山姬螢者的異同。

Key words: Luciola filiformis, Luciola yayeyamana, adult season, flash behavior, southern Taiwan
關鍵詞: 紋胸黑翅螢、成蟲發生期、發光行為、八重山姬螢。
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