DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2001006台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 21: 65-75 (2001) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Evaluation of Trapping Effectiveness of the Improved McPhail Trap for Oriental Fruit Fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) (Diptera: Tephritidae) 【Research Article】

改良型麥氏誘殺器對東方果實蠅 (Bactrocera dorsalis) (雙翅目:果實蠅科) 誘殺效果評估【研究報告】
Chien-Chung Chen* and Yaw-Jen Dong Ling-Lan Cheng
陳健忠*、董耀仁 鄭玲蘭
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2000/11/20     Accepted: 2000/12/20     Available online: 2001/03/01
The study was conducted in a screened bitter gourd field of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute to evaluate (1) three different marketed protein hydrolysates, (2) different concentrations of the protein hydrolysate, (3) different insecticides added to the lure, and (4) different trap densities on the capture of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) (Diptera: Tephritidae). The objective is to determine the method that can be applied to monitor and control the oriental fruit fly. The results showed that the percentage of flies trapped by Chenghong protein hydrolysate was significantly higher than that by Wufeng and Hsingya ones. The percentage of trapping increased as the concentration of the protein hydrolysate increased. Adding malathion to the lure improved the capture of female flies; however, this is not the case in the lures with fenthion, fenitrothion, and trichlorfon. Repellent effects might occur when methomyl was added to the lure. More flies were captured in the treatments of 200 and 300 traps/ha densities than in the 100 traps/ha treatment, especially during earlier stage of the treatment. However, there were no significant differences among them. Higher trap density may be useful to capture a large number of the oriental fruit fly quickly when they are entering into the orchard. The female to male ratio in the trap catch decreased as the time of treatment proceeded.

本研究於農委會農業試驗所網罩苦瓜園內評估(一)三種市售蛋白質水解物,(二)不同濃度蛋白質水解物,(三)添加不同殺蟲劑及(四)單位面積誘殺器懸掛數,對東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) (雙翅目: 果實蠅科)之誘殺效果,期提供田間應用於監測或防治之參考。試驗結果顯示正豐蛋白質水解物之誘殺率較五豐和興亞蛋白質水解物高。在蛋白質水解物濃度4%以內,誘殺率隨濃度增加而增加。除馬拉松外,添加芬殺松、撲滅松或三氯松無助於提高雌蠅誘殺率,添加納乃得反而產生忌避效果。雖然每公頃懸掛100、200或300個誘殺器捕獲的東方果實蠅之數量在統計上無顯著差異,但由平均誘殺百分率觀之,每公頃懸掛200或300個誘殺器可捕獲較多的果實蠅,在懸掛初期尤為明顯,此有助於快速大量的捕殺侵入果園的果實蠅。捕獲的東方果實蠅雌對雄性比,隨處理時間增長而降低。

Key words: McPhail trap, protein hydrolysate, Bactrocera dorsalis.
關鍵詞: 麥氏誘殺器、蛋白質水解物、東方果實蠅
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