DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2003030台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 23: 331-351 (2003) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Effect of Temperature on Development of Idea leuconoe clara (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Danaidae) 【Research Article】

溫度對大白斑蝶 (Idea leuconoe clara (Butler)) (鱗翅目:斑蝶科) 發育之影響【研究報告】
Su-Chiung Chen* Sheng-Chih Ou-Yang Shiau-Yuan Wang, Shiao-Yi Huang, Sheng-Ru Ho, Shin-Jie Huang, Chja-You Shih, Wen-Jie Chen
陳素瓊* 歐陽盛芝 王筱瑗、黃校翊、何昇儒、黃信傑、施佳佑、陳文杰
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2003/06/18     Accepted: 2003/12/20     Available online: 2003/12/01
In the present study, fresh eggs of the giant danaine butterfly, Idea leuconoe clara (Butler), were collected from the host in a net room. Fresh eggs were placed in a growth chamber under conditions of 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35℃, 80�b5% RH, and with a photoperiod of 14 h of light and 10 h of darkness. Hatching larvae were individually reared with leaves of Parsonia laevigata for a series of observations on the development of the butterfly under different temperatures. The results are summarized as follows. No eggs hatched at 35℃. The hatching rate was 63% at 15℃. The highest hatching rates were 86% at 20℃, and 85% at 30℃. The highest survival rate from egg to adult was 67% at 20℃, and this decreased to 18% at 30℃. Duration in days of life stages decreased as the temperature was raised from 15 to 30℃. In addition to the egg stage, the development rates of the various life stages and rearing temperatures were correlated by linear regression. Accordingly, as the rearing temperature increased, the development rate increased at the same time. The lower developmental threshold temperatures for the development of eggs, 1st to 5th instar larvae, pupae, and the egg-to-adult stages were estimated to be 6.92, 10.17, 10.12, 8.43, 7.07, 6.77, 9.66, and 8.46℃, respectively. The accumulative effective temperatures of eggs, 1st to 5th instar larvae, and pupae were 108.24, 46.49, 42.57, 54.92, 70.86, 135.74, and 236.45 degree-days, respectively. It required 688.18 degree-days for the development from egg to adult. The threshold value of the average head capsule width for development into the last instar larvae was 2.95 mm. The common logarithms of head capsule width of the larval stage and instars of larvae were correlated using linear regression. Accordingly, as the larval instar increased, the logarithms of the head capsule width increased at the same time from 1.45 to 1.54 units. This species followed Dyar’s law. The body length of larval stages increased as the larval instar grew. The rearing temperature influenced the life stage size of the giant danaine butterfly. The largest values of body length of the larva, pupal weight, pupal body length and width, and wing length and width of adults reared at from 15 to 30℃ occurred at 20℃. The greatest leaf consumption occurred with fifth instar larvae under 15, 20, 25, and 30℃ rearing conditions. More than 80% leaf consumption was recorded for fifth instar larvae. Leaf consumption increased as the larval instar grew. The total leaf areas consumed at 15, 20, 25, and 30℃ were 375.30, 457.21, 429.56, and 398.98 cm2, respectively. According to the results, 20℃ was the best rearing temperature for the giant danaine butterfly. The results provide information for educational materials and the mass production of this butterfly.

將大白斑蝶卵分別置於15、20、25、30及35℃、80±5% RH、14L:10D之生長箱飼養,以爬森藤(Parsonia laevigata)的葉片單隻飼育至羽化為成蝶,調查在不同溫度下各蟲期發育的變化。結果在35℃卵不孵化,15℃時孵化率只63%,以20℃和30℃時孵化率達86% 及85%。自卵至成蝶之存活率以20℃時的67% 為最高,30℃之存活率降低至18%。各蟲期之發育日數皆隨溫度升高而縮短;除卵期外,各蟲期的發育速率與飼育溫度之間有直線迴歸關係。大白斑蝶之發育臨界低溫,卵為6.92℃,第一齡至第五齡幼蟲分別為10.17、10.12、8.43、7.07、6.77℃,蛹期為9.66℃、卵至成蝶為8.46℃。各蟲期的有效積溫,卵為108.24日度;第一齡至第五齡幼蟲分別為46.49、42.57、54.92、70.86、135.74日度,蛹為236.45日度;自卵至成蝶需要688.18日度。幼蟲的平均頭殼寬度超過2.95 mm的閾值即成為末齡幼蟲;幼蟲頭殼寬度隨齡期以1.45~1.54倍等比增加,幼蟲齡期與頭殼寬度的常用對數之間有直線迴歸關係,符合戴爾法則。各齡幼蟲體長隨齡期增長而增加,飼育溫度影響各蟲期的體型,以20℃時所得的體型最大。於15、20、25、30℃飼養時,食葉量均隨齡期增長而增加,均以第五齡幼蟲的食葉量最大,為所有幼蟲期食葉量的80% 以上;各飼養溫度下之總食葉量分別為375.30、457.21、429.56、398.98 cm2。由此得知,20℃為大白斑蝶較適合的飼育溫度,上述結果可提供教材使用並做為大量飼養的基本資料。

Key words: giant danaine butterfly, Idea leuconoe clara, temperature, development, head capsule width, leaf consumption.
關鍵詞: 大白斑蝶、溫度、發育、頭殼寬度、食葉量
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